College of Agriculture Grand Reunion Kick starts in Bacolod

The College of Agriculture alumni and guests exchange conversations and smiles during the Grand Alumni Reunion.
October 20, 2017—Central Philippine University College of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Sciences alumni from all around the globe gathered in the City of Smiles to celebrate their Alumni Grand Reunion held at the Bacolod Pavillon Hotel, Bacolod City.
Kick starting the reunion was a caravan of 30 cars around Bacolod City starting from the Bacolod Pavillon Hotel to the Bacolod City New Government Center and then back to the hotel. The famous La Carlota City Pasalamat Drum Beaters joined the caravan and performed their mardigras-inspired beat aboard a truck. Afterwards, there was a short opening program where the CPU Agriculture Alumni Association President, Dir. Larry Nacionales welcomed all the participants. He was followed by the Negros Chapter President, Roberto “Francis” R. Jalando-on, Jr. who thanked God for giving a short window of fine weather so that they could have the caravan, and for the Iloilo delegation to cross the seas.
A favorable weather – the College of Agriculture Alumni enjoyed the sunshine during the caravan, the rain only arrived after the caravan was finished.
College of Agriculture Alumni Association Negros Chapter President Mr. Roberto “Francis” Jalando-on, Jr. led the parade.
Centralian smiles – College of Agriculture alumni enjoyed sharing conversations about their CPU days and rekindling their Central Spirit.
College of Agriculture Alumni Association Negros Chapter President Mr. Roberto “Francis” Jalando-on, Jr. together with the prime movers of the CPU AA Negros Chapter, Mr. Goldwyn Nifras and Mr. Edgar Alcazaren.
Go for green – College of Agriculture alumni wear green for environmental protection and awareness.
After which, Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on, Director of the CPU Office of Communications led the morning devotional with Rev. Amsil Alubog as speaker. Rev. Alubog emphasized that if we have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, we can claim that the Lord is our Light, our salvation and our strength, and as such we will not be afraid to face any challenges in life. Engr. Vitini Idemne was song leader while Pastor Jec Dan Borlado was the instrumentalist.
An exhibit was also opened featuring the products and produce of local farmers and entrepreneurs.
This year’s College of Agriculture Alumni Grand Reunion was spearheaded by the CPU College of Agriculture Alumni Association led by its President Director Larry Nacionales and hosted by the Negros Chapter headed by Mr. Roberto “Francis” Jalando-on, Jr. CPU President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, Rev. Joniel Howard H. Gico, CPU Vice President for Student Affairs and the CPU Alumni Association, Inc. President, Mr. Dan Dorillo, and the members of the CPUAAI came over to support the event.
The opening program was a rekindling of the friendships and a reunion of the Central Spirit as the alumni reminisced their days in the university and shared their present joys and testimonies.
BSN Ruby Jubilarians donate anew to the College of Nursing Virtual Laboratory Project
CPU President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles together with Atty. Salex Alibogha, Dean of the College of Nursing and Nancy Grace P. Del Socorro, Marites L. Robleza and Valeri Ruth D. Diesto from CPU BSN Batch 1977.
The College of Nursing Virtual Laboratory Project will possibly start construction in the first quarter of 2018 with the added cash donations from the Nursing Alumni Associations worldwide. This is according to Atty. Salex Alibogha, Dean, CPU College of Nursing.
Two checks of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each were received by the University President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles from members of the CPU BSN Ruby Jubilarians Class ’77 and Atty. Salex Alibogha at the Administration Conference Room on October 19, 2017. Class ’77 was represented by the College of Nursing faculty members Nancy Grace P. Del Socorro, Marites L. Robleza, and CPU Elementary Nurse Valeri Ruth D. Diesto.
One of the checks was for the Nursing Faculty Development Fund, and the other check is in addition to the 292,000 pesos that the group handed over previously to Dr. Robles for the project.
The Nursing Virtual Laboratory will provide simulation of various nursing procedures such as IV therapy, parenteral medications, procedures for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and others. It will be a facility that will have doll simulators, IV virtual laboratory monitors, and camera for other students to watch how procedures are being done while in another room. With this Virtual Laboratory, CPU students will be able to practice their delivery of health care and errors will be minimized on real patients.
CPUES celebrates U.N. Day
CPU Elementary School students showcased a dance performace during its U.N. Day Celebration.
With the theme “International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development,” the CPU Elementary School held its United Nations Celebration at the Rose Memorial Auditorium on October 19, 2017.
For the opening parade, each grade level represented the national costumes of the different countries of the six continents. Grade 1 represented the countries from South America; Grade 2, the nations from Oceania; Grade 3, the states and kingdoms from Asia; Grade 4, the nations from Europe; Grade 5, the countries from North America; and Grade 6, the nations from Africa.
Wearing the national costumes of the different countries around the world, the students of the CPU Elementary School performed a song number that encouraged peace and diversity.
In her opening remarks, Prof. Janet P. Jaco, CPUES Principal encouraged students to showcase good character and for parents to help their children learn about peace and justice at home, “I hope that apart from your beautiful costumes today, you will also have a beautiful character to show to others. Let us all learn to attain peace and justice starting from our homes—we can only do this if we have Jesus Christ in our hearts.”
After which, the CPUES Sari-Saot Dance Troupe rendered an intermission number. It was followed by Ms. Amira Echaibi, Miss United Nations 2017, who gave her message and challenge to her fellow Centralians. Ms. Echaibi encouraged her fellow students to respect and love every nation and culture. After her message, the ladies and their escorts from the different grade levels showcased on stage their costumes from the different countries they represented.
A response was then given by Ms. Keziah Lorraine Pinuela, Miss Philippines 2017. Ms. Pinuela talked about embracing one another and accepting the challenge of gearing towards peace and diversity to attain development.
Next came a prayer for the nations by Ms. Susan Herga, CPUES Asst. Prinicipal which was followed by the closing remarks, given by Mrs. Evamer G. Ruegg.
CPU Golden Lions Football Team wins under 15 category in 1st Bga. Marianing Cup
The CPU Golden Lions Football Team pose for group picture during the awarding ceremonies.
The CPU Golden Lions Football Team was hailed as champions in the “Boys Born in 2003” (ages under 15) category during the 1st Bga. Marianing Cup held at Iloilo National High School. The cup was organized by Futsal Association of Panay and held on October 7-8 and 14-15, 2017.
For the championship, CPU battled St. Paul’s School, Barotac Nuevo. The Golden Lions snatched the top spot, ending the game with a score of 6 against 3.
CPU was represented by Hazael Giles S. Cejar, Jose Maria G. Bellosillo, Paul Joshua F. silao III, James Carl G. Tuazon, Reije Mikhael M. Rafols, Wrenz Ivan L. Lopez, Jan Christian Alen Doyola, Selwyn Nickos Mamon, and Rolf John B. Alminaza.
James Carl G. Tuazon was named “Best Striker” during the competition. It can be recalled that Tuazon got the nod of the national coach, Emilio “Chieffy” Caligdong. The former Azkal skipper, who is an Ilonggo from Barotac Nuevo, mentors the U15 (under 15) national team.
CPU holds Athletes’ Dedication Service
The dedication service started with a praise and worship session.
For the pride of the university and for the glory of God—CPU held a dedication service at the Rose Memorial Auditorium on October 13, 2017 for the Centralian Golden Lions who will be representing the university in the Iloilo Schools Sports Association (ISAA) and Private Schools Athletic Association games (PRISAA).
In his message, Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian, University Church Senior Pastor, encouraged the athletes to use their talents as a testimony to God’s goodness. He highlighted Hebrews 12:1-2: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Atty. Alejandro Somo, CPU Sports Coordinator encouraged CPU Golden Lions to offer their talents and skills to the Lord.
University Church Senior Pastor, Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian tells athletes to focus on Jesus.
Rev. Sian shared that athletes need discipline which means throwing off anything that hinders them. He also cited the importance of focus—focusing on the goal of winning and, more importantly, focusing on Jesus, “Fix your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith, who gave you talents and abilities to be an athlete. Obey your coach, ultimately obey God. To your cloud of witnesses, may your life as an athlete be a testimony of your faith.”
The dedication service was facilitated by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes led by Pastor Jec Dan S. Borlado.
CPU hails Chemistry Board Passer
Central Philippine University hailed Jim Jan Marfil Jama for successfully passing the October 2017 Chemist Licensure Examination.
According to Professional Regulation Commission, 526 out of 1,195 passed the Chemist Licensure Examination.
The examination was administered by the Board of Chemistry in Manila, Cagayan De Oro and Cebu. The members of the Board of Chemistry who gave the licensure examination are Ms. Adoracion P. Resurreccion, Chairperson; Ms. Soledad S. Castañeda and Ms. Ma. Theresa C. Cayton, Members.
CPU Professors Attend DILG’s iWaSH Training Modules

CPU RCECC Director, Dr. Lenny Rose P. Mucho together with Dr. April Ann B. De La Gente from the College of Business and Management.
Three faculty members of Central Philippine University attended the four-day training of the Department of Interior and Local Government’s (DILG) “Sustainable Delivery of Integrated Safe Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (iWaSH) Program, Systems and Facilities for SALINTUBIG and ADM-Provision of Potable Water Programs” held last October 17-20, 2017 in Eurotel Angeles, Pampanga. Dr. April Ann B. De La Gente of the College of Business and Accountancy and Prof. Lofel J. Diamante of the Social Work Department participated in Module 3, which is about the Program’s Social Preparation, Community Organizing, Communication and Knowledge Management. Dr. Aries Roda D. Romallosa of the College of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Sciences, on the other hand, participated in Module 4, which is about Conducting iWaSH Assessment using the 9 tools developed for this program.
Four additional modules are to be attended by the same participants in the succeeding weeks until it commences on December 2017 together with CPU’s iWaSH Project Team Leader Dr. Lenny Rose P. Mucho, who is also the Director of the Review Continuing Education and Consultancy Center. Both Dr. Mucho and Dr. De La Gente have participated already in Modules 1 and 2, which were conducted last July 11-14 and September 19-22, 2017 in Manila.
CPU’s participation was formalized after it signed a Memorandum of Agreement on the establishment of WeV-iWaSH, Region VI’s name for its Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) Hub last August 29, 2017 held at the University of the Philippines-Visayas in Iloilo City. The iWaSH Program will be primarily operational at the LGU level, delivering safe water, sanitation and hygiene, guided by the principles of resiliency, integrity, access, empowerment, gender equality and rights based. The delivery mechanism will utilize multi-stakeholder participation of WATSAN Hubs, composed of the civil society organizations, water districts, community groups and academic institutions such as CPU and other public-private partnerships. This is to ensure that the target beneficiaries, which are the waterless municipalities, will be equipped with proper know-how in operating and maintaining water projects in a sustainable manner.
Dr. April Ann B. De La Gente together with Prof. Lofel J. Diamante from the CPU Social Work Department.
CPU CBA teachers speak at the DILG Capacity Development Seminar
Prof. Pat Pudadera from the CPU College of Business and Management shares his expertise during the seminar.
In view of the economic expansion of the Philippines, a result of the robust spending of government infrastructure funded out through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Scheme, officers from the local government units are required to learn the basics of making feasibility studies. A DILG seminar for Capacity Development on the Preparation of Feasibility Study/Project Proposal: FS 101 was held at Highway 21 Hotel, Gen. Luna St., Iloilo City. The activity was aimed at enhancing LGU skills in data gathering, consultation and analysis of market and economic stability.
CPU Faculty members, Dr. Lorna Grande, Dean, CPU College of Business and Accountancy; Prof. Pat Pudadera; Prof. Gilda C. Monsole, CPA; and Dr. Lucio T. Encio, CPA were tapped by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG Region 6) as lecturers.
The activity was attended by LGU Engineers, the Planning and Local Development Coordinator, the Local Economic and Investment Promotions Officer and other LGU staff. They were trained on the basics of preparing of a feasibility study; identifying risks, opportunities, and strengths; and developing engineering designs for a PPP project feasible and viable from conceptualization, to implementation, down to the monitoring phase.
CPU End Poverty Campaign announces winners in Hugot Contest
The members of the CPU End Poverty Campaign Committee.
The CPU End Poverty Campaign has finally chosen four grand prize and five consolation prize winners in its Hugot Contest. The four grand winners won P1,000, P750, P500, and P250 respectively. Winners were chosen based on the highest number of likes for their posts on the CPU End Poverty Campaign Facebook Page.
More than just generating Hugot Lines, the contest aims to inspire creative expression in encouraging Centralians to be aware and active regarding poverty alleviation causes.
This year’s grand prize winners are:
1st Aiver Caritativo Villa – 169 likes
“Squatter? Dyan ka magaling eh ang ipagsiksikan ang sarili mo kahit alam mong wla namang lugar para sa iyo! Magsikap ka at maghanap ng lugar na matatawag mong iyo!”
2nd Kellin John Buenavides – 165 likes
“Ang kaimolon daw relasyon, ndi na mag ayo kung ndi mo hungdon nga panamion. Aksyon subong para sa ikaumwad sang palaaboton.”
3rd Lonie Marie – 56 likes
“Puno man ako ng putik sa katawan, tanda naman yan ng aking kasipagan na siguradong magbubunga ng magandang kinabukasan.”
4th Martha Villanueva – 43
“Ang ka imolon maga untat kung ikaw kag ako maga hulag para sa pag bulig kag pag ulikid sa mga tawo nga ara sa higad. “
The consolation prize winners are the following:
Lonie Marie
“Untati na ang pagtinamad, umpisahe na ang pag umwad.”
Soy Hitalia
“Budlay? ‘Iloga ang subay,” basa Bibliya, mensahe na sang aton Amay.”
Mary Aira Garcia
“Ang kahirapan ay parang ipis na mahirap patayin, at ang chenelas naman ay simbolo ng lakas ng loob, tibay at tatag ng isang tao para puksain ito.”
Arvie Maria G. Batollo
“Ang pag palangga ko sa imo dugay pa ma ubos pero ang pagkaon namun kunting-kunti na lang.”
Shammy Üy Marquez
“Magtanom kita sang paglaom kag mamunit sang inspirasyon, sigurado may mabuligan gid kita kung maghulag kita subong.
Okay lang mabigo ko sa paghigugma, indi lang sa pagbulig sa akon kasimanwa.”
This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the declaration by the General Assembly assigning October 17 as “International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.” The CPU Knowledge Development Center continues its support in the campaign spearheaded by the World Bank by initiating awareness campaigns to encourage community action.
Solomon Islands NTU Director visits CPU
Mr. Clement Tito, Director of the Solomon Islands National Training Unit met with the international students studying in CPU.
Fostering strong educational ties and global competitiveness—CPU welcomed Mr. Clement Tito, Director of the Solomon Islands National Training Unit, during his visit to the university on September 22, 2017.
Tito met with the international students from Solomon Islands and inspected their board, lodging and other academic requirements during their stay. He also spoke to CPU Registrar, Ms. Ruth G. Fernandez and CPU Director for International Programs, Prof. Leilani Fatimah L. Trompeta.
Eight international students from Solomon Islands are currently enrolled in CPU. The University hopes for more enrollees in the next academic year.
International students are encouraged to take the CPU College Placement Exams at Faith Baptist Church, 4 Bulletin St., Corner West Ave., Quezon City on October 26, 2017. Students can choose to take the exam in the morning or in the afternoon. The exam in the morning will take place from 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN, while the afternoon exam will be held at 1:30 to 4:30 PM.
For further information please contact Engr. Amy Castigador, Director of the CPU Office of Institutional Advancement:
Email address:
Mobile no.: +639420838588.
Requirements for the examination are the following:
- Placement Exam fee of 200 pesos;
- School ID, valid Passport or any Valid ID;
- Pencil, no. 2 with eraser.
How to get there:
If you are coming from that part of Quezon City near Monumento, take the MRT or bus going to West Avenue. Get off at West Avenue corner EDSA then take taxi to Bulletin Street. Turn left at Bulletin Street. Faith Baptist Church is right next to Security Bank which sits at the corner of Bulletin Street and West Avenue.
CPU Director for International Programs together with Mr. Clement Tito, Director of the Solomon Islands National Training Unit
Leonardo “Onat” Magno: Of faith and determination
Leonardo “Onat” Magno life is a testimony of hope and perseverance.
At the height of his career in the Philippine National Police in the late 90s, for then Police Chief Superintendent and now Rev. Leonardo Catedral Magno, working with the government was a great privilege and an opportunity to spread the Centralian legacy of hard work and faith.
As Squadron Commander of the 601st Liaison Squadron and later of the 801st Aviation Security Squadron, Captain Magno held powerful positions in military operations. Then as Director of Philippine National Police Aviation Security Group, he wielded influence within the scope of Air Transportation and Business within the International Airport Operation.
Magno studied at CPU from Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, and finished his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1968. Magno recalled his humble beginnings as a work student at Central Philippine University. He recalled his struggles and expectations, wishes and faith, as he worked forward into a better future. He had only God to depend on.
“You know that when you are at the peak of success, sometimes you look back with mixed emotions,” Magno recounted. “And when you come back to the present, what comes next is the validity of your success.” He later became a member of the CPU Corporation and a member of the CPU Board of Trustees.
He also recalled an emotional moment when Mr. Mariano Caipang was at the VIP Lounge of the Manila International Airport (MIA). He was making his rounds of the facilities when he passed by Mr. Caipang. The University Treasurer during his elementary days hugged him with great admiration. It was a wonderful reunion between them especially when they recalled a specific event during his elementary days. “Onat” was in the elementary grade at CPU when he begged Mr. Caipang to allow him to take the exams as his parents were not be able to pay the tuition fees. Out of compassion for Onat, Mr. Caipang signed the promissory note so that Onat could take the exams.
In that chance meeting at the MIA VIP Lounge, Onat saw tears fall from Mr. Caipang’s eyes—tears of joy, tears of gratitude for God’s kindness for leading Onat to what he has achieved. He held Mr. Caipang for the last time, confident that what they shared was a legacy of faith and determination that Central Philippine University has taught them.
After his retirement from government service, Police Chief Superintendent Leonardo Magno felt God’s calling and became a pastor. He is the resident pastor of Villamor Evangelical Church since 2008.
Congratulations to the winners of the 15th CPU Alumni Invitation Golf Tournament and 18th All CPU Gold Tournament last October 7, 2017 at the Iloilo Golf and Country Club, Sta. Barbara Golf, Iloilo.
(L-R) Tina Hortelano, Melvin De Leon, Isagani Jalbuena, Pres. Ted Robles, Oscar Lasangue, Carl de la Peña, Steve Jardeleza, & Virgio Braga.
Congratulations to the winners of the 15th CPU Alumni Invitation Golf Tournament and 18th All CPU Gold Tournament last October 7, 2017 at the Iloilo Golf and Country Club, Sta. Barbara Golf, Iloilo.
Class A
Champion – Pablo Alonzo Jr. – 35 (countback)
1st runner-up – Ian Rosales – 35
Class B
Champion – Steve Jardeleza – 43
1st runner-up – Kim Sung Jun – 42
Class C
Champion – Gerard Camina – 39
1st runner-up – Dong Sarabia – 36
Champion – Mulong Tan – 43
1st runner-up – Glenn Catedral – 42
Champion – Choi Me Ae – 43
1st runner up – Ann Cho – 38
All Centralian
Champion – Steve Jardeleza – 43
1st runner-up – Glenn Catedral – 42
2nd runner-up – Oca Lasangue – 39
Dr. Ted Robles receives a Certificate of Appreciation as Co-Presenror of the Tournament.
CPU Schedule of Placement Exams and SHS Pre-Registration
Central Philippine University will be holding on campus placement examinations every Saturday from October to May 26, 2017.
For the off campus placement examinations, CPU will be holding the said examinations on the following dates and venues:
October 7, 2017 – Capiz National High School
October 13, 2017 – Bloomfield Integrated Academy, Boracay
October 14, 2017 – Regional Science High School, Kalibo
October 26, 2017 – Faith Baptist Church, 4 Bulletin St., Corner West Ave., Quezon City
For the examinations on October 26 at Faith Baptist Church, two examinations will be held: the morning exam will be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN while the afternoon exam will be from 1:30 to 4:30 PM.
Requirements include:
- Placement fee of 200 pesos;
- School ID, Passport, or any valid ID;
- Pencil no. 2 with eraser.
There are no examinations for the Senior High School; instead, students are required to pre-register. Students are encouraged to visit the CPU Information Office or call (033) 329-1917 to 79 loc. 2129, or email queries to