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Weekly Centralian Link (November 25, 2016)

Two Outstanding Alumni Graces 89th Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises

College Commencement Speaker Judge Lily Villareal Biton with key university officials

Centralian Excellence – Atty. Renecito S. Novero, a 1976 graduate of Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science together with Judge Lily Villareal Biton, a 1982 graduate of Bachelor of Science in Biology and a 1986 graduate of CPU Bachelor of Laws inspired graduates, parents and guests at the 89th Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises at the Rose Memorial Auditorium – November 20, 2016.

Hon. Renecito S. Novero, College Baccalaureate Speaker, inspires 2016 Graduates by encouraging them to find perfection in the Word of God.

Atty. Novero, former Vice Mayor and currently Councilor of Bacolod City, was guest speaker during the College Baccalaureate Service. During his speech, he encouraged graduates to use their professions to let their faith thrive once they enter the professional. “Many of you will be going beyond borders. You will face many options and choices ahead of you. If what you do is not for the praise and glory of God, you have already failed before you began”.

He also emphasized the value of one’s personal understanding and relationship with God as a guiding force in seeking every day direction. “Our spiritual destiny, our spiritual direction is beyond our material achievements”.

The Sung Word, Bahandi singers entertain guest and graduates through a song number.

On the other hand, Judge Lily Villareal Biton was College Commencement speaker. She was admitted to the Bar in 1987 and worked her way into becoming the Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 77 of San Mateo, Rizal. In 2004, she received the Chief Justice Award for Outstanding Service in the Judiciary. A year later, she was awarded the Distinguished Centralian Award in Government Service/Judiciary and the Most Outstanding Alumna of the CPU College of Arts and Science Award.

One of the shared highlights of her speech was her experience during the Christ Emphasis Week wherein she encountered God amidst the challenges of her college education. “I entered the university at 17, a wandering soul without direction or purpose but during the Christ Emphasis Week I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, and there I found new life and meaning.”

All for the Glory for God, Centralian graduates pause for a prayer, thanking The Almighty for the gift of graduation.

Judge Biton encouraged graduates to never compromise their faith for success. “Money can buy books but not wisdom, a house but not a home, companions but not friends.” According to her, the greatest training of Centralians, beyond the skills and honing talents, is to have faith in God – that according to her is the greatest contribution of a Centralian to his or her community.

Festival of Lights and Music Illuminates this December 2

Man sets up lights in preparation for the Festival of Lights and Music on December 2

With the theme “Sharing the Centralian Christmas Spirit Beyond Borders,” the CPU Festival of Lights and Music is all set to brighten up the CPU campus as well as the hearts of Centralians and guests on December 2, 2016, 6:00 PM.

This year, the installation of lights will be improved as the flagpoles, the Smile Hill, the Rose Memorial Auditorium, as well as the trees and ornamental plants leading to the University Church will not be left out. It has always been a tradition that the purchase and installation of the lights as well as the program of the Festival is spearheaded by the CPU Alumni Association.

The event will gather Centralian talents that will entertain fellow Centralians and guests catering to the Music part of the festival. Mr. Dan Dorillo, CPU Alumni Association Inc. President pointed out that “In the past years, we have been emphasizing on the lights portion of this program but actually the original concept is called Festival of Lights and Music, so this year we will go back and highlight the music portion as well. We will have group singing of Central and Christmas songs during the fellowship program.”

A new introduction to this year’s festival is the Photography Contest that is open to both Centralians and guests. Participants shall take pictures exclusively inside CPU during the festival using professional or cell phone cameras, chosen winners will have their pictures featured in the 2017 University Giant Calendar.

The event has been an avenue to invite Centralian alumni to visit the university again and rekindle the warmth of the Centralian spirit. “The festival has connected, in one way or another Centralians not only in the immediate community but also Centralians outside the borders of CPU.  We see to it that our programs connect with the alumni dots outside CPU’s border to invite them back to CPU for our programs.”

The CPU Festival of Lights and Music goes beyond being an annual celebration to welcome in the yuletide seasons, it has a deeper meaning. Mr. Dorillo reflected that “The light in the bible is always something that draws attention from people. It symbolizes the light of our Savior, so we see to it that the lights inside our campus are representative of the faith of CPU, of the light of Christ.”

Response from a Graduate (Mr. Jayson Troy F. Bajar, ABPolS, Magna Cum Laude)

Mr. Jayson Troy F. Bajar, ABPolS, Magna Cum Laude delivering the graduate response, ecouraging graduate to pursue Centralian excellence.

A pleasant evening to everybody.

All must be so ecstatic, overwhelmed and elated. At last, we’ve come to this point in our lives where we walk through the aisle, full of smiles, our head’s up and proud, while we wear the best of our apparels with our black togas on- the day of our long-awaited college graduation. In fact, it is even an understatement to simply say that I am profoundly delighted being part of this amazing group.

From this platform, I can clearly see such hopeful gleaming eyes of our country’s future engineers, business consultants and tycoons, politicians, medical and legal practitioners, educators, spiritual leaders, environmentalist, computer wizards and so on. Needless to say, it is not far from reality. I am confident that, what the University has cultivated in our minds and nurtured in our spirits has moulded us to individuals who will make a difference in our beloved country.

Today, I am tasked to deliver a speech, a response from the graduates. I want to fulfil that task now by first saying thank you.

The great physicist Isaac Newton was once asked what is the secret behind the ground breaking insights of his magnum opus, Principia Mathematica. The intellectual giant has nothing to say but this: “If I had seen farther, it is because I stand on the shoulder of giants (referring to Galileo Galilee and Nicholas Copernicus from whose studies he built his own success). Hence, today ladies and gentlemen, let me recognize the “giants” behind our studies that made this momentous event a reality.

The giants of all the giants of course would definetely be our parents! Ano na lang ayhan kung perti na study mo kag 2 days before the exam naghambal mama kag papa mo nga, “Nak, wala pa kmi inugbayad sa tuition mo.” Ano na lang ayhan kung mag.fourth year ka na kag bigla sila naghambal, “Nak, pwede untat ka na lang anay kay pigado gid.” Ti wala tani ta subong dire eh? Hence, to all the parents present here tonight, from the the bottom of our hearts, a million thanks to you. Your tireless support and loving concern never faill to motivate us, financing not just our allowance but also our late night activities and some unexplainable projects.


With these, I want to personally thank my parents, Mary Ann and Jessie, and of course my family as a whole. With your support, I finished my degree in three and a half years and with academic distinction.

Another group of giants behind this success are the esteemed professors and instructors of this beloved University. Agree? Of course! Once in our stay in this University, we have at least 2 unforgettable teachers: the one who inspired us the most, and the one who pushed us the most. The one who inspired us the most sustained our zeal and encouraged us to hold on till the end. The one who pushed us the most dared us to believe in ourselves and  our capacities, and to exert our skills and abilities to the limits. They are the ones who reminded us that we are not meant for mediocrity. We are after all created for greatness! To all the teachers who accompanied us in this journey, THANK YOU. We are deeply grateful for you motivations. During our stay, we tackle so many challenges and even the challenges thrown to us by some teachers who also consider us more challenging;


We also thank our teachers for allowing us to experience sleepless nights and to exhaust our capacity to nurture eye-bags and pimples. It also worthy to mention that, our stay in CPU made us realize that we cannot underestimate the importance of our minor subjects because they all contributed in achieving our college degrees. Why is this so? Because there are some teachers who really convince us that their subjects are more important than others.


Here, I want to special mention Prof. Franklin Robite. Thank you sir for reminding me that my problems are not a matter of international concern and that there are more problems in this world that we need to overcome. Thirdly, we thank our University Administrators for keeping us on track when it comes to discipline and following simple rules in the campus. While these rules were very limiting, but we still have to remember that being part of this structured organization, we are bound by such rules and regulations, But we still hope that these rules and regulations shall never stop us from being creative individuals.


We thank our very zealous University President, Dr. Teodoro Robles. Amidst your tight schedule sir, you never decline to listen to student concerns. I am a witness to that. Truly, you embody the slogan of CPU, “where students are Central.” Fourthly, to our friends for the tissue for their shoulder to cry on and for the tissue paper or handkerchief when our irises started to drown. We also thank you for letting us find our happiness amidst our loneliness and grief (we remember those days when fun seems to be our daily vitamin intake to continue with our struggle in school)


We thank too all those, who in one way or another, the man from the office or in the street, the people we encounter every day, the same people who made our college experience more than fulfilling. Thank you for your help even in the littlest of thing you could have had offered.


We will truly keep every experience, learning and story that we have encountered in this institution. We will always remember ambience of Uy building, the Bihon plus Buko juice in the College of Engineering, the accounts at Roblee and OV Buildings, the scenarios in Halfmoon, the atmosphere of Christ Emphasis Weeks, the arguments with the guards, the use of all sorts of reasons to appease our absences, the exchanges in social media, the U-Day fever and the wild teasing of inter-college rivalries, the “teacher-is-not-right” syndrome, and lastly our everyday CPU tour of the University, from one building to another.


Our stay at CPU provided us the opportunity to learn academically and also learn to develop as a person. We learned that as we expect people to to undestand us, we should also be ready to give understanding. Above all, to our Almighty God, source of all goodness and grace, THANK YOU. Indeed, what is man without the grace of God.?And so all that has been, all that is, and all that will be, AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM!


All these mentioned have made significant impacts in our journey here at Central Philippine University. All these made us feel how it is to be a Centralian – a triumph we celebrate today. Before I end this speech, allow me to dwell on a more serious matter. As I was writing this, I cannot help but think of the drastic changes that we are now facing and we will be facing in the future. Unprecedented changes in our social, political and ideological atmosphere. And so, it leaves into challenge as part of this Christian herd.

Not the same challenge where we need to pour ourselves a bucket full of ice nor a challenge where we need to post awkward photos in our social media accounts; and definitely, not a challenge where we need to upload a video of us doing some hilarious dance craze.

Now, we face the challenge to stand for what truly is ‘right’ and to all means means defend it.

As graduates of this institution, believing in the virtue of Scientia et Fides, we shall strive to become instruments of the truth. We shall uphold vehemently that our faith shall never cease to grapple for just. We shall maintain that the knowledge we gained throughout the course of learning in CPU will not only serve our own glory but also for the glory of truth and of God.

With these, we are called to participate vigouriously in the affairs of our nation. Armed with intellectualism, we shall, at our very best, position ourselves in the fore in defense of righteousness. We shall not become blind and weary of the injustices surrounding us. We shall take active stands in the defiance of wickedness and roguery.

As we advance, achieve especially high positions in the government, the corporate world, and the academe, we shall never forget our duties towards our country and the peoples of this nation. We should become vigilant and be not deceived by the mirage of the material world. The greater journey is yet to come.

“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.”

1 Peter 5: 8-9

Once again, God Bless us and may we follow the footsteps of success simultaneously with righteousness. Thank you very much!

CPUCA Alumni Foundation Inc. Spearheads Harvest Festival in Pavia

Rev. Joniel Howard Gico, Vice President for Student Affairs, speaking in behalf of CPU President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, in the opening of the Harvest Festival

With the aim of promoting good agricultural practices, the CPU College of Agriculture (CPUCA) and Forestry Alumni Foundation held the “Harvest Festival of Varietal Demo Plots For Different Vegetable Seeds” at the CPU Centennial Village, Aganan, Pavia, Iloilo – November 23, 2016.

According to Mr. Larry Nacionales, President of the CPU College of Agriculture Alumni Association, the event is a venue to share the different breakthroughs and developments in vegetable gardening. It is also to encourage urban dwellers to plant vegetables and other crops in their own backyard.

The event was graced by Hon. Arcadio Gorriceta, Congressman 2nd District of Iloilo as guest speaker. Cong. Gorriceta talked about Pavia being a thriving agricultural municipality and future projects under his administration that cater to the agricultural and social demands of his district.

Mr. Robert “Francis” Jalando-on,Jr.,  CA Alumni Assn. Negros Chapter discusses details of the CPU CA Grand Reunion, with CA Alumni Director, Mr. Larry Nacionales, CPU Alumni President, Dan Dorillo and members.

Atty. Hansel Didulo, Asst. Secretary of the Visayas, Department of Agricultural RFO Region VI was also there to emphasize the importance of food safety, sustainability and availability. He also cited the recent accomplishments of the Department of Agriculture including increase of agricultural yield and benefits to local farmers.

For her closing remarks, Engr. Remelyn Recoter, Regional Executive Director of DA-RFO Region VI thanked all the agricultural sectors present in the event and looks forward to more projects in cooperation with the CPU College of Agriculture and Forestry Alumni Foundation.

The festival ended with a field tour in the vegetable plots and a harvest session. Participants gathered tomatoes, okras, peppers, cucumbers and other fruits and vegetables. The harvest festival is also an educational experience about how important it is to have a full picture of the agricultural market before planting a commodity.

For Mr. Nacionales, the event is a reminder of why the College of Agriculture Alumni is one of the strongest alumni communities in CPU – “We regularly meet every Wednesday to discuss future projects or just to talk about what’s happening in each other’s’ lives. We definitely have so much more to give back to our alumni community.”

CPUCA Alumni Association Negros Chapter To Head CPU College of Agriculture Alumni Association Grand Reunion

Mr. Roberto “Francis” Jalando-on, Jr.  CPU Agriculture Alumni Assn. President (Negros Chapter) and Mr. Dan Dorillo, CPUAAI President with CPU College of Agriculture Alumni

The CPU College of Agriculture Alumni Association (CPUCA) Negros Chapter, led by their President, Mr. Roberto “Francis” Jalando-on, Jr., will spearhead the 2017 CPU College of Agriculture Alumni Grand Reunion on October 20-21, 2017 at the Bacolod Pavillion Hotel.

Last November 23, 2016, Mr. Jalando-on met with Dir. Larry Nacionales, CPU College of Agriculture Alumni Association President and Mr. Dan Dorillo, CPU Alumni Association President at the CPU Agriculture Alumni Fellowship House, at CPU Centennial Village, Aganan, Pavia, Iloilo to discuss additional details of the reunion. The meeting included assigning of committees, activities and finalization of date and venue of the reunion.

For a long time, the CPU Agriculture Grand Reunions were concentrated in Iloilo. However, new data shows that Negros is also home to a high percentage of CPUCA alumni. Mr. Jalando-on recounted that “Four months ago in a meeting held by the association in Bacolod, the Iloilo group presented that the Negros chapter will this time lead the chairmanship of the grand reunion.”

APCP Full to Capacity at the Opening of the DA-CPU Agrifair 2016

Prominade Park packed with local produce and farm products by local farmers

As early as 7:00 AM on Tuesday November 22, farmers, students and LGU participants were already falling in line to register; it’s the opening of the DA-CPU Agri Research Fair and Exhibits at Central Philippine University Alumni Promenade and Concert Park (APCP).

Fresh fruits, vegetables, dried, fish and visibly packed herbal products  and condiments from provinces and municipalities of Region 6 were all displayed on  bamboo racks (thanks to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the committee led by Agrifair 2016 Chair, Joel Somosierra).

Pastor Alfred Morales and Maria Teresa Solis, DA AMAD Chief, led the opening prayer and National Anthem respectively; CPU Cultural Affairs Office Director Ms. Crista M. Huyong led the singing of “Central my Central.”

Dr. Reynaldo Dusaran, Director, CPU Research Center acknowledged the participants. It was followed by a Welcome Remarks by VP for Student Affairs Rev. Joniel Howard H. Gico who represented University President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles. Joel Somosierra gave a rationale on the Agrifair exhibits before Regional Executive Director Engr. Remelyn Recoter delivered her keynote speech.

The highlight on the opening day was the graduation ceremony of the School on the Air (SOA) on High Yielding Technology on Rice with feature on the Ornamental Horticulture Production. The Agrifair week in CPU will end on Friday November 25. The DA–CPU Agrifair is brought every year by the Department of Agriculture Region 6 and Central Philippine University.

Pulahan Festival: A Journey of Faith


Janiuay Mayor, Hon. Jojo De Paula speaks at Pulahan Festival Press Conference as Dr. Lejo Brania listens.

The Pulahan Festival that runs from November 19-27, 2016 is a festival in Janiuay spearheaded by the Calvario Evangelical Church, a member church of the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches. In a press conference held for the Pulahan Festival of Janiuay last November 8 at the CPU Packaging Engineering Laboratory, it was learned that among the noble heirs of the Pulahans are CPU Packaging benefactor Dr. Lejo  Catedral-Brana and former CPU President and now Board of Trustees member Dr. Juanito M. Acanto. “They owe their faith to the brave decision of their faith fore-parents” – The Pulahan.

The first Protestant Village and Baptist Town Center called the Calvario Evangelical Church was established in Janiuay, Iloilo in 1902. After 114 years the story is told about how the church was founded by a rebel group called Pulahan. Before their conversion to the Baptist Faith, the Pulahans were a rebel group or bandits that were in the wanted list of the Spanish government.  What’s interesting about the Pulahan is its developed link to Central Philippine University (although CPU began as an educational institution in 1905).

The Pulahans were known to have amulets possessing powers called anting-anting. The guardia civil can do nothing against their chants. Stories were told that they can travel long distances in a short time, with no fast mode of transportation at that time.

Pastor Elizer Geromiano speaks about the thriving faith of the Pulahans

The Pulahans were converted to the Baptist faith once they went to Jaro, Iloilo to hear a preacher. Eric Lund and Braulio Manikan (whose names were later found on the pages of CPU’s history books) invited these Pulahans to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They went home and spread the good news to other Pulahan members. Their families and more of their members petitioned the missionaries to baptize them. The missionaries later purchased a piece of land where they could build their houses and protect them from hostile neighbors.

Up to this time, Calvario Evangelical Church on Golgotha Street Janiuay  together with their Senior Pastor Elizer Geromiano continue the mission entrusted by the Lord Jesus Christ. Other churches were also planted in the area of Janiuay and Bingawan. Many children of the Pulahans who are now professionals serve in different capacities both domestic and abroad.

The Anatomy of a Centralian Leader

Circa 2013, A Certified Centralian, Jan Albert Matthew Java graduates with a degree in BS Accountancy

Albert Jan Matthew Java or “Matt-Matt” to his friends spent 3/4s of his life at Central Philippine University. As part of the younger generation of CPU alumni, the memories of his stay at our university are still vivid. His Centralian journey started early, and just like his path of leadership – it will be for a lifetime.

Matt had his first role as leader when he was elected as President of his homeroom at CPU-Elementary. At eight years old he knew little about being a leader but his heart began to conclude that it was all about serving others.

Joining the Boy Scouts honed his new found love of serving, here he met mentors that inspired and helped him establish his own brand of leadership. His passion for service in the Boy Scouts was recognized as he became one of the Ten Outstanding Boy Scouts of the Philippines back in 2008.

Matt originally wanted to be an Engineer. He however decided to take up BS Accountancy because of the challenge that came along in pursuing the degree – “I really wanted to be an Engineer but there was something about taking up Accountancy that challenged me, anything that challenges me motivates me.”

When he entered college, Matt wanted to take a break from taking any leadership roles. He however became the governor of the freshmen curriculum for CWTS. “Destiny is persistent, once you answer the call of leadership there is no turning back. Once you get hooked in serving others, you will never stop. It will always be part of your system.”

During his sophomore year, Matt served as Senator at the CPU-Republic.  On the same year, Matt decided to run for student president. He lost but saw a silver lining in his situation, “I would consider my loss a blessing, it made me focus on my academics. A lot of opportunities arrived during my junior year and one of them was being chosen as Ayala Young Leader.”

According to Matt, Ayala was the pinnacle of his leadership experience. “Ayala opened my eyes to the concept of servant leadership. The activities and the speakers from the leadership congress deeply moved me. It made me ask myself what more can I do for my Centralian community.” The experience made him more passionate and driven as a leader, joining Ayala paved way to more leadership ventures and connections.

It was also during his junior year that Matt once again came face to face with the question whether or not to run as CPU-Republic president. “At first I really didn’t want to run again. I didn’t want to be too active in extra-curricular activities during my final year in college but my friends from the party told me they won’t run if I don’t become the standard bearer of the party.”

It was a crucial choice. Matt saw the challenge of being student-president during his senior year but beyond that he saw the people who believed in him. “I was astonished that people were seeing something in me that I never saw myself. When people believe in you it is another story because it is their perspective that reels in the opportunity to lead.”  Matt finally accepted the offer of running for president. This time he won.

As CPU-Republic president, Matt together with the Iloilo Chapter of Ayala Young Leaders pioneered the first leadership development program in CPU. The activity aims to hone the organizational proficiency and leadership skills of student leaders from the different organizations and publications in CPU. “The development program, I think, is one of my greatest contributions to the Centralian community, not only is it a product of my Ayala experience but it is a my long term contribution to CPU.”  The said program is now being held annually as a training venue for Centralian leaders.

During his final year in college, Matt was able to garner more honors for the university by being one of The Outstanding Students of Iloilo Circle of Five and a National Finalist of the search for the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines.

Graduating Cum Laude with a string of achievements in the field of leadership, Matt became the 2013 CPU Alma Matter Awardee – a feat he dedicates to his mother. “Nanay has always been supportive with me since day one. She is a great source of strength and encouragement. My nanay is my biggest fan.”

Now, Matt is a Certified Public Accountant and currently works as a Credit Consultant at Reed Elsevier Iloilo. He has recently finished his Master’s in Business Administration at CPU and hopes to become a CPA-Lawyer in the future.  “Who I am today and who I will be I owe to my family and to the Centralian community. I encourage every Centralian to dream big and break borders, to embrace change and use it to achieve more for the university. Never forget, because you are a Centralian, you are extraordinary”.


CPU COM Bags 2nd Spot in APMC-SN Regional CPC Competition

The CPU College of Medicine, represented by Aleni Iray, Charmaine Querri, Dycart Rey Colon, Nikka Carla Gerona and Rhona Angela MacEachen won 2nd Place in the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges – Student Network Regional Clinico-Pathologic Case Competition at Cebu Doctor’s University, September 10, 2016.

The competition is a clinico-pathological case presentation wherein competitors were given patient information to be assessed by them within a week. Their findings and diagnosis will then be defended to a panel of doctors.

Central Philippine University celebrates Thanksgiving month


Centralians that pray together, Excel Together – Audience listens to Rev. Cris Amorsolo Sian for the Thanksgiving Message

CPU counts its blessings through a Thanksgiving Worship at the University Church on November 23 at 4:00-5:30PM. Members of the administration, faculty and staff were in attendance. They were in grateful spirit as songs of praises echoed inside the hallowed church.

The CPU Kindergarten Body Movement opened the worship service singing “The Lord’s Prayer.” Rev. Joniel Howard Gico, University OIC President gave his thanksgiving greetings. There was an expression of thankfulness through prayers of gratitude, song, and reading of scripture.

CPU Kindergarten students opens the Thanksgiving Service with a performace of The Lord+s Prayer

Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian, University Church Senior Pastor gave the Thanksgiving message. Rev. Sianb reminded the CPU community to dig deeper and discover that God has given us so many blessings, and as such, we need to thank God! But more than that, a truly grateful person is someone who can still have a thankful spirit despite of the unfavorable circumstances because that person knows and believes that in due time God will do something beautiful.

The Thanksgiving Prayer was given by Rev. Roger T. Quimpo, Associate Pastor for Outreach. Rev. Samuel R. Escobin, Associate Pastor made the closing prayer and benediction.

CPU holds Google Education Seminar for Employees

Google Trainers from Mavericks with CPU faculty and staff during Google Education Seminar

With the aim of educating university faculty and staff about the technological innovations and benefits of using Google, the university spearheaded a Google Education Seminar at Mary Thomas Computer Lab – November 24, 2016.

The seminar included a crash course in using Google Drive, Google Sheets and other Google tools. Participants were oriented on how to use such tools to make office tasks easier and improve work performance. Knowledge in basic Google tools will help the university become a more cohesive and technologically update academic institution.