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Have you ever wondered why the Magi was looking for a star? The Magi in the Christmas story were from the East most probably from Persia or Babylon or in that vicinity.

There is a very interesting prophecy in the Old Testament by a soothsayer from the East named Balaam. He was contracted by King Balak to curse the Israelites. Instead of cursing, Balaam prophesied. What he said was recorded in Numbers 24:17 “I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near; A Star shall come out of Jacob; A Scepter shall rise out of Israel, And batter the brow of Moab, And destroy all the sons of tumult.” The prophecy that includes the story of a star is from Balaam. Assuming that the oracles of Balaam were prevalent in the East, then these Magi from the East most probably were familiar with Balaam’s words. The Magi knew of this but they were not familiar with Jewish prophecies like the prophecy of Micah. This is a probable reason why they asked where the Messiah would be born. The summoned scribes and priests answered  Micah 5:2 — “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”

What can we learn from the Magi? Here are four lessons using the acrostic STAR:

S – Seek God even if it is difficult

The Wise Men left the comfort of their homes. The Wise Men are teaching us about persistence. They continued to be persistent even if it was uncomfortable. They had to travel for so long. Assuming that the East is Persia or Babylon, then they have to travel about 1,500 kilometers. It would take about 30 days of travel by camel if they traveled 60 kilometers per day. It could be more than 1 month.

How about us? Are we willing to get involved in God+s ministry even if it would bring personal sacrifices?

T – Trust the revelations of God even if you do not understand it at the moment

The Wise Men are teaching us about faith. What they saw only was a star. But they had faith on what they saw. They traveled based on faith.

What about us? What more proofs should we ask from God before we trust Him? The Bible is full of stories that give us proofs that our God is trustworthy.

What are the things that are happening in your lives right now that you cannot understand? Surrender your life to God and trust Him.

A – Allow detours for it may teach you valuable lessons

The Wise Men in their detour in King Herod+s palace are teaching us about discernment. The Wise Men discerned where to ask questions, and they also discerned the evil intent of King Herod.

We should know how to ask the right questions and who to ask. We should always pray that God will endow us with the gift of discernment so that we may know the character of people who we will meet in our journey.

R – Remember that God will always be there to guide you

God guided the Wise Men through the star. God in the exodus experience also guided the Israelites through a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud. These are visible reminders that God will find a way to guide us in our lives if we just commit ourselves fully to Him.

Merry Christmas!

Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on
Acting Director
Office of Communications
Central Philippine University