Central Philippine University

Bancolo delivers his response during the Baccalaureate Service 2023 held at the Rose Memorial Auditorium
Bancolo delivers his response during the Baccalaureate Service 2023 held at the Rose Memorial Auditorium.

Good morning everyone, today is a day of great significance—a day we have eagerly anticipated, a day that marks the culmination of our journey here at Central. As I stand before you today, I am humbled and honored to represent the collective voice of our graduating class, and to share with you the profound impact Central Philippine University has had on our lives. I am humbled to be in front of you today as the recipient of the Alton Bigelow Alma Mater Award, the highest award given to a Centralian and to be able to share my testimony of the remarkable power of God in my life, proving that with Him, nothing is impossible. I have experienced firsthand the extraordinary transformations that occur when we place our trust in the Almighty.

Before anything else, I would like to share a question from a song that Isang way back when I was 8 or 9 years old whenever it pops into my mind, it left me in tears every time God gives me such great opportunity or responsibility “Lord why have You chosen me out of millions Your child to be??” “Lord ngaa ako?” And until now this is the question that only His divine intelligence can answer, that is why I would like to declare that I dedicate this award to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In His infinite love and grace, I find solace and strength. It is through His unwavering presence that I have been lifted up, guided through challenges, and bestowed with immeasurable blessings. Ang akon permi gina hambal “Lord, gamita akon kabuhi para sa imo kadayawan kag ginhari-an.” To translate “Lord, use my life for your glory and for the advancement of your kingdom here on earth.” I am a living testament to His grace and His faithfulness.

There was a time when the challenges before me seemed insurmountable, and I felt overwhelmed with despair. It was in those darkest moments that I turned to God, seeking solace and guidance. With unwavering faith, I surrendered my worries and fears to Him, believing that He could work miracles in my life. And miracles He performed! In the face of seemingly impossible odds, doors began to open, opportunities emerged, and obstacles crumbled. God’s grace guided me through the treacherous paths, empowering me to conquer what appeared insurmountable. His divine presence infused me with strength, courage, and perseverance. And it is through Central Philippine University that God provided me with more than just an education; it has fostered an environment where we have been encouraged to grow academically, personally, and most of all, spiritually. It is within this university that we have found not only knowledge but also a sense of purpose rooted in the teachings of Christ.

As we step out into the world, we carry with us the values that Central Philippine University has instilled within us. We have learned the value of integrity, understanding that our actions must align with our beliefs and principles as Centralians. We have learned the importance of compassion, recognizing that every individual we encounter is deserving of respect and love. We have learned the significance of service, understanding that our knowledge and talents are not for our own benefit alone but should be utilized for the betterment of others. These values are not confined within the 8 gates of this institution; they must permeate every aspect of our lives. We are called to be the light in a world often clouded by darkness, to be the embodiment of Christ’s love and grace wherever we go. The challenges we have faced during our time here have not been easy. We have encountered moments of doubt, fatigue, and uncertainty.

Yet, it is precisely through these trials that our character has been refined, and our faith has been strengthened. We have learned that true growth occurs when we step outside our comfort zones, when we face adversity head-on with unwavering faith and perseverance.

To my fellow graduates, I offer my heartfelt congratulations. We have overcome countless obstacles together, and now we stand united, ready to embrace the challenges that lie ahead. As we enter the world, let us go forth with the confidence that we have been equipped with the tools necessary to make a difference. As we embark on the next chapter of our lives, let us remember the lessons we have learned here at Central. Let us hold fast to the values of integrity, compassion, and service, for these are the bedrocks upon which we can build a brighter future.

As we end our journey here at Central, let us remember that we have been blessed to be a blessing. Let us use our gifts and talents to make a positive difference in the lives of others, and let us inspire others to do the same. Let us be the light that shines in the darkness, the salt that brings flavor to the world, and the hands and feet of Christ to those in need. I pray that may our lives be a testament to the transformative power of a Christ-centered education. Let us be agents of positive change, spreading love, hope, and compassion wherever we go. And may our actions always reflect the light of Christ, inspiring others to seek the truth and embrace the values that have shaped us.

To be the Alton E. Bigelow Alma Mater Awardee, and those other achievements are just bonuses as long as we use our lives for God’s glory and honor, the most important thing is the legacy we leave here at Central as we delve into the real world.

I would like to share my life verse that has kept me going through the years. Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” As I close, I would like to leave a question for us to ponder, “Have I live my life according to His purpose and plan towards me?”

This is Kriss Kringle Inge C. Bancolo, a Proud Pastor’s Kid and your Alton Bigelow Alma Mater Awardee! Congratulations, Central Philippine University Class of 2023! May God bless us abundantly as we embark on this exciting journey ahead.

 The Alton E. Bigelow Memorial Award also known as The Alma Mater Prize is the highest award given by Central Philippine University to a Centralian graduate. Congratulations, Kriss! To God be the glory!

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