By Jesha Sandig, AB Mass Communications Intern
Mrs. Prel Faith V. Somosierra giving a testimony during Mother’s Day Service.
Mothers are warriors. They protect their children and defending them with all their might. They deserve to be honored not just on Mother’s day but every day for all their efforts. The CPU University Church held a special service on Mother’s Day to lift up these wonderful women. One of the ways they did was a heartfelt number from the Kidzone members serenading their mothers with the song “Beautiful Mommy.” It simply melts your heart away and makes you remember your mother.
After the number, Mrs. Prel Faith V. Somesiera shared a testimony about her journey as a mother to a child with special needs. She also shared how God used the pandemic to teach and reassure His faithfulness; how He is in control and that everything will work out. She also presented her son’s God-given talent in art. When she experiences trials, she said that she holds on to the words of Jeremiah 29:11.
Kidzone attendees rendered a special musical number for Mother’s Day.
The message during the service was based on Matthew 17:14-11 which was all about miracles of deliverance and parable of possibilities as preached by Rev. Roger T. Quimpo. He talked about nothing is impossible if one is living by faith. He shared about a person who tried to do the impossible by having faith in God who is making all things possible. Living a faith like that like the Parable of the Mustard Seed taught by Jesus. It is about not giving up but just to continue with more effort and more faith in God. David is an example of someone who changed his perspective. Some see Goliath as a giant but he saw Goliath as someone who is hard to miss. David was confident that God is bigger than Goliath. He is a proof that nothing is impossible with God. We alone cannot do it but with Christ, our strength is multiplied and we can do anything.
Motherhood and life, in general, is tough when you “are running on your own fuel” but if you are fueled by God’s grace nothing is impossible.