By Manny Palada
Dr. Palada with former CPU President Dr. Juanito M. Acanto and the late Dr. Lejo Braña.
I first met Manong Lejo Braña in CPU when I joined the Board of Trustees in 2017. Although I heard about him as an outstanding CPU alumnus, I never met him personally until I served and participated in the meetings of the CPU Board of Trustees. That was the time then that I realized he is a relative of my wife Elisa Hortelano from Janiuay. Somehow the Arandela, Catedral, Acanto and Braña families are related to the Hortelano family in Janiuay. Every time we had BOT meeting, I always sat beside Manong Lejo. We always exchanged views and opinions about CPU. I learned a lot from his rich experience in engineering and his profession when he was in the USA. He always gave critical and good suggestions for CPU and I always agreed and supported his opinions.
Being the father of the packaging engineering, I greatly appreciate Manong Lejo’s contributions to CPU. I visited his packaging engineering office and laboratory in CPU and I was amazed of the facilities he donated and provided for the advancement of packaging industry.
The last time I personally met Manong Lejo was during the BOT meeting in 2019 just before the pandemic. It was nice to exchange views and opinions with him and I will never forget all his intelligent and wise advice and contribution to CPU. Although, I will not see him and be present during the memorial service, I owe him a deep appreciation and tribute for what he had accomplished for CPU as well as the many students and stakeholders who benefited from packaging engineering technology.