Central Philippine University

By Thresha Marie R. Gallos, Centalian Link Intern

Jennifer Erika P. Angeles, a Senior Social Worker student is among the finalists of TOSIA 2024.

In the realm of academic achievements and leadership, Jennifer Erika Angeles stands tall as a beacon of excellence, setting a remarkable standard for her peers and aspiring leaders alike. Recently honored as an outstanding student in the Iloilo Awards 2024, Jennifer’s journey to this prestigious recognition is not just a testament to her academic prowess but also to her unwavering dedication and profound values.

Jennifer’s path to excellence was not without its challenges. Reflecting on her experience with The Outstanding Student in Iloilo Awards (TOSIA), Jennifer shares, “I am grateful that I was able to be part of the semi-finalist at the moment. It wasn’t easy, as there were doubts and hesitations at first. However, I still tried and didn’t expect to be where I am now.” Her journey underscores the importance of perseverance and resilience, showing that even in the face of uncertainty, determination can lead to remarkable achievements.

For Jennifer, being an outstanding student transcends mere academic performance. “Anyone could be an outstanding student in their own way,” she asserts. “However, for me, an outstanding student is someone who can really balance well everything that is happening in their life.” This definition speaks volumes about Jennifer’s holistic approach to education and life, emphasizing the significance of maintaining equilibrium amidst various responsibilities and challenges.

Moreover, Jennifer’s message for aspiring student leaders echoes her own principles of authenticity and empowerment. “Be true to yourself no matter what,” she advises. “Because that would make you empowered, an inspiration, and, of course, a trustworthy leader.” Her words carry the weight of her own experiences, highlighting the importance of staying grounded in one’s values and convictions while navigating the complexities of leadership.

Completing the phrase “I am Jennifer Erika Angeles, and I am not forced, but I am called to serve,” Jennifer encapsulates her sense of purpose and commitment to making a positive impact in her community. Her humility and dedication shine through her words, reinforcing the notion that true leadership is rooted in service and a genuine desire to uplift others.

In essence, Jennifer Erika Angeles’s journey from doubts and hesitations to being recognized as an outstanding student in Iloilo is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, authenticity, and service. As she continues to inspire those around her, Jennifer exemplifies the essence of excellence and leadership, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of her peers and mentors alike.