Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Cyrus A. Natividad

Jennifer Ortiaga holds a donation check from Melody International. Beside her is Dr. Sharon Pagunsan -Supervisor of the project in collaboration with Melody International of Japan.

The administrator of the CPU Birthing Center, Janette E. Yap (MAN, RN), received a letter of request for collaboration from Yhuko Ogata, President and CEO of Melody International Ltd. of Japan.

The company proposed a free medical device start-up, an iCTG device, which uses technology that measures fetal heart rate and uterine contractions that is the first of its kind. Ogata explained, “Our technology aims to address the disparity of OB-GYN in rural and urban areas, as the iCTG also functions in a way that the measurements can be done by any medical staff, and read remotely and in real-time by an OB-GYN.” He added that “We are currently interested in bringing our technology to the Philippines, where the disparity issue is evident.”

The request for collaboration is the first step to prove that the technology works in the country via a Proof of Concept (POC) project. Melody International found that the CPU Birthing Center is suitable for this medical device.

The objective of the “test” is to validate iCTG’s capability to help with clinical care for pregnant women in the local area in the country. The trial subjects are pregnant women with CTG measurement (NST test) available. Melody International iCTG has acquired a CMDM license from the Philippine Food and Drug Administration.

In addition, Melody International issued a Demonstration Cooperation Fund of PHP 45,000 (PHP 15,000 and PHP 30,000 in checks) to the CPU Birthing Center. Only medical personnel who are directly involved in the trial project will receive cash from the fund. This will involve midwife/OB Resident, Institution/OB GYN Department. The checks were received by Jennifer M. Ortiaga (Secretary III), Arcelie Rapista Rubinas (Staff), and Dr. Sharon Pagunsan.