Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Rusieljs G. Lunasco

Franklin Hall.

The recent shift to distance learning has not only affected the educational sector but dormitories as well. Since March of last year (2020), some students had to go back to their hometowns which has significantly decreased the number of occupants in dormitories.

From 150 occupants, Weston Hall Women’s Dormitory currently has 16 mostly composed of faculty and staff.

“Last March 2020, we advised our dormers to go home. More or less there were 15 of us left on campus at the height of the pandemic. It took several months for some of the ladies to go back to their hometowns because of safety concerns,” said Weston Hall matron Mrs. Jocelyn Funtecha.

Franklin Hall Men’s Dormitory currently has 3 dormers composed of two graduate school students from Vietnam and one BMLS student from Palawan.

“We had to adjust to a lot of changes in Franklin Hall. From 65 dormers, we now only have 3. We really are at a loss in terms of income,” said Franklin Hall Director Mr. Dexter Martin.

The East Wing of the men’s dorm is currently being renovated.

Weston Hall.

Funtecha and Martin said that several changes were made to dorm policies since the pandemic.

“For dormers to be admitted, they have to pass certain qualifications required by the Occupational and Health Safety Office. This is to ensure safety for everyone on campus especially for us in the dormitory,” said Martin.

“We are not allowed to gather together and we have to enforce social distancing in the dormitory.”

Even though the dormitories have received a lot of inquiries from students and parents, it was decided that occupants won’t be accepted at the moment.

“We will accept new dormers once the implementation of face-to-face classes resumes,” said Funtecha.