Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Dr. Rowena M. Libo-on

Engr. Boney Labinghisa, PhD.

The School of Graduate Studies invited Engr. Boney Labinghisa, PhD, as resource person when the Doctor of Management class on Special Issues in Management dealt with the topic Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Its Impact on Business Processes and Competitiveness. Dr Labinghisa is a Centralian. He is a CPU graduate of Electronics and Communications Engineering (BS ECE) in 2012.

CPU and Tongmyong University have strong academic linkage. Through this linkage, Dr. Labinghisa was able to study in Tongmyong University in Busan, South Korea. He earned his degree in Master and PhD. in Engineering from the said university. He is currently employed in a technology company in Korea.

On February 20, 2021, Dr. Labinghisa and the Doctor of Management students discussed via Zoom about the overview of machine learning and deep learning and examples of their current business applications. According to him, researches on artificial intelligence are widely done in Korea. A strong university and industry linkages and partnerships are observed.

A thorough exchange of views with students especially those with extensive technology background made the discussion more interesting. The business management students focused more on the impact of AI on business processes and how companies have to remain competitive in the midst of the rapid change in technology.