Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Keziah G. Huelar

Prof. Edgar A. Eriman, Director, University Senior High School with the faculty and staff.

The Central Philippine University Senior High School held their Excellence Awards to honor and recognize their students’ achievements at the Rose Memorial Auditorium on April 11, 2019.

Rev. Zeus M. Familiaran, faculty, SHS, led the opening prayer. It was then followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem with Mr. Gabrielle Fran C. Domingo, Grade 12, NMPLR-2 conducting.

For the opening remarks, Dr. Irving Domingo L. Rio, CPU Vice President for Academic Affairs, thanked the parents and the guardians of the awardees for trusting the university with their children’s education: “Foremost, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the parents and guardians for entrusting your children’s education to Central Philippine University.”

Dr. Irving Domingo L. Rio, CPU Vice President for Academic Affairs, congratulated the students, parents and SHS faculty and staff for a job well done.

Dr. Rio goes on to talk about how excellence is a matter of choice: “You are here this morning because you made a choice—a commitment [to place] a high priority on your studies. Graduating with honors is not a matter of luck or chance but a matter of choice through the grace of God.”

Mr. Ferdinand T. Monoso, faculty, SHS, introduced guest speaker, Pastor Normandy S. Notes, Head Pastor, Ikthus Nextgen.

Pastor Notes’ message shared two testimonies: the first was that of a college dropout and the second was that of an academic achiever: “I have a friend who has been an academic achiever since his elementary days. He also graduated top of his class in high school and in college. But in spite of his achievements, it seems that he didn’t know what he wanted to do in life. He can’t decide to marry or not marry or what career path to [take].”

He continued, “I have another friend, who was a college dropout. He also studied in CPU but along the way, for some reason, he dropped out and started his way out [into] the world. He got married early and started his own business. By God’s grace and providence, he was blessed with a wonderful family and became one of the most successful businessmen in our city. Now, he is a billionaire.”

Pastor Normandy S. Notes, Head Pastor, Ikthus Nextgen, encouraged awardees to pursue a personal journey with God.

According to him, 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 and 11-12 highlight the beauty in diversity by excelling in many fields: “My friends, especially students and parents, I want you to see success from a different perspective. I want you to see success from a different vantage point. I want you to know that being at the top of your class academically does not always equate to happiness and success in life or if you don’t finish your formal education, you have a slim chance of succeeding in life. In Paul’s letters to the Corinthians, he tells us that it is not wise to compare one’s definition of success from the other because while it is the same God and the same Spirit who gives us all these talents, gifts and skills, not all of us have the same talents, gifts and skills. Some excel in academics and some excel in sports.”

A celebration of God’s faithfulness in the lives of our awardees -the Honors and Awards Program is a culmination of a fruitful school year.

As a CPU alumnus, Pastor Notes emphasized that the university’s goal is to create a spiritual and academic environment that caters to all: “This is what CPU is seeking to achieve—unity in diversity, quality education for all. CPU aims to raise students who not only excel in academics, in sports, but also in music and in the arts. But at the end of all this excellence in these fields is not self-serving or self-seeking glory, but for the good of everybody.”

After the message, the awarding of certificates for academic and non-academic awards were given by Dr. Rio and Rev. Joniel Howard H. Gico, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Prof. Edgar A. Eriman, University Senior High School Director, assisting.

The closing prayer was led by Pastor Michael Catamora, faculty, SHS. It was then followed by the singing of the Alma Mater Song with Mr. Domingo, conducting.