Central Philippine University

By Mikee Natinga Norico, BA Comm-4, Centralian Link Intern

CPU PASSC Student Council brings smiles to Asilo de Molo residents with Project PagUlikid, a fundraising activity for elderly care.

On April 27, the Central Philippine University (CPU) Province of Arts and Sciences (PASSC) Student Council, in collaboration with the CPU Female Society, CAS Academic Organizations, and Asilo de Molo, held a fundraising activity called Project PagUlikid.

Project PagUlikid aimed to raise money to create and maintain an elderly care program for Asilo de Molo, a home for indigent elders in Iloilo City. The project aimed to ensure that the elders have access to exceptional care, social assistance, and a decent standard of life.

CPU PASSC Board Member Mardive John S. Pitalgo, the head of the project, shared that Project PagUlikid was inspired by his desire to promote welfare for the underprivileged.

“Programs or initiatives like this are very close to my heart. I was raised by a god-loving family and to promote welfare for indigent people is my mission in life,” Pitalgo said.

Through Project PagUlikid, the student council was able to provide goods and toiletries to the elders at Asilo de Molo. They also conducted a small program with snacks for the residents.

“This project is a strategic platform that addresses the main concern of the elders at Asilo de Molo, especially their need for goods and toiletries,” Pitalgo explained.

Pitalgo acknowledged the challenges faced during the project’s implementation, including delays due to processing time and budget constraints. However, he highlighted his determination and the help received from partner organizations and anonymous donors as key factors in overcoming these challenges.

While acknowledging the limitations due to budget restrictions, Pitalgo expressed his belief in the positive impact of Project PagUlikid on the lives of the elders.

“They are happy and grateful for the help that we extended to them. The goods may not last long, but it can suffice for the meantime as they continue to seek help from other institutions and private donors,” he said.

Looking ahead, Pitalgo envisions continuing to support the elders at Asilo de Molo, even outside of Project PagUlikid. He encourages the community and stakeholders to contribute through financial donations, goods, and toiletries to further support the needs of the residents.