Central Philippine University

By Cyrus A. Natividad

This year CPU Kindergarten has more enrolees than the previous year. The newly opened Junior-K (Nursery) Class have added more pupils, according to Prof. Praise E. Glory Junior-K Teacher. “There are new activities this year and these are lively, virtual activities for the children. We have seen the extent of energies of the parents which tells us that virtual activities done live via Zoom is possible,” Glory said.

Asked about her observations on the children’s behaviour as an effect of the pandemic, she said, “The children are very resilient. They easily adapt to changes and thrive despite of difficulties; more than what we expected them to show.”

Glory added that, “We actually learn from these children. They smile their way through internet disruptions, power outages and even through uncooperative conferencing softwares. I check on how my pupils are doing. Sometimes they behave braver and better than I do. They give me the motivation and affirmation that I am doing just fine, because if they can do it, surely I can.”