By Kay Arden Q. Gallo
The participants in the Virtual MOU Signing.
Central Philippine University (CPU) and Kasem Bundit University (KBU), Thailand signed a Memorandum of Understanding last September 6, 2022. Present during the virtual signing are the two university presidents, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles (CPU) and Dr. Vallop Suwandee (KBU).
The MOU will pave the way for projects such as collaboration on transnational programs between the College Nursing of both universities. CPU and KBU partnership will also explore possible trainings and exposure of both the students and faculty of the two academic institutions to further their skills and knowledge in the field of nursing. Atty. Salex Alibogha, Dean of the College of Nursing, shared that the partnership came to fruition through the college’s network of alumni.
With Dr. Robles at the Administration Building Conference Room during the signing were Dr. Esther Rose Romarate (Vice President for Student Affairs), Prof. Kay Arden Q. Gallo (Acting Director of the Office of International Relations and Cooperation), Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on (Director of the Office of Communications), Prof. Melba Sale (Officer-in-Charge of the College of Nursing), Dr. Charlie D. Baldon (Academic Coordinator of the College of Nursing), Prof. Lena Giron (Clinical Coordinator of the College of Nursing), and Prof. Alvin John Gustilo (Research Coordinator of the College of Nursing).
Those who joined virtually were Atty. Salex Alibogha, Dr. Anna May Yap-Zerrudo (Director of the Quality Assurance Center), Prof. Sharlene G. Gotico (Associate Director of the Quality Assurance Center), and members of Kasem Bundit Unversity’s Administration led by Dr. Suwandee and the faculty of the KBU’S nursing program. Also present on Zoom are some of the invited alumni of the CPU College of Nursing.