Central Philippine University

By Mikee Natinga Norico

“Illuminating Greatness”: CPU JPAMA Gawad Parangal 2024 in full swing, celebrating exceptional student achievements.

The Central Philippine University (CPU) Junior Philippine Association of Management Accountants (JPAMA) held its prestigious Gawad Parangal on June 10, 2024, upholding the motto “Illuminating Greatness” for the year. The event aimed to recognize the efforts of JPAMA members and officers throughout the academic year in academics, non-academic activities, and sports.

The ceremony acknowledged and rewarded students who excelled academically and in extracurricular activities and leadership roles. Receiving medals and certificates, awardees were reminded of their achievements and motivated to keep contributing meaningfully to both the organization and the university. This event further strengthened student engagement by providing a platform to share academic success with families, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment. It also expressed appreciation to the organization’s advisers: Prof. Gilda Monsole, Prof. Jet Nillos, Department Chairperson Prof. Christine Golilao, and College Dean Dr. Lorna Grande for their unwavering support and guidance.

United in Leadership and Excellence: JPAMA Vice President for Overall Prynce Albert Vacaro, Adviser Prof. Gilda Monsole, President Chrystalle Faye Juson, and Vice President for Non-Academics Lorenz Jimwell Anativo showcasing the collaborative spirit and leadership that drive the organization’s success.

The selection process involved members submitting their participation and achievements through a Google form. Leadership excellence awards were determined through recommendations from the organization president and advisers, with officer evaluation forms serving as the basis. Service awards were based on submissions from the College of Business Administration (CBA) Council Members.

A variety of awards were presented to deserving students, including the Dean’s Lister Award, JPAMA Leadership Excellence Award, JPAMA Service Award, category-specific JPAMA Excellence Awards, Outstanding JPAMA Member Awards (Silver and Bronze), COMELEC Recognition Award, Recognition Award for JPAMA Advisers, Outstanding Staff to the VP for Overall Award, and La Couronne Celeste de Creativite.

Dr. Grande delivered a motivational speech, encouraging future JPAMA officers to continue the tradition of the Gawad Parangal. She highlighted how the initiative inspires students to excel in both academic and non-academic endeavors. Dr. Grande also expressed her gratitude to the advisers, awardees, and parents for being part of the event. With her unwavering support, the JPAMA organization is poised for continued success.