Central Philippine University

By Mikee Natinga Norico

Attendees during the first day of the College Orientation for First Year and Transfer College students on August 14, 2024, held at the Rose Memorial Auditorium.

Central Philippine University (CPU) kicked off the school year with a two-day College Orientation for new students and transferees for the First Semester of 2024-2025. Held at the Rose Memorial Auditorium last August 14-15, 2024, the orientation aimed to equip incoming students with the necessary knowledge and resources to navigate their academic journey at CPU.

Day 1: Embracing the CPU Identity

CPU President Rev. Dr. Ernest Howard B. Dagohoy provides a comprehensive overview of CPU’s vision, mission, quality policy, and core values.

The first day of the orientation fostered a sense of community and introduced participants to the core values of CPU. It began with a Thanksgiving Worship Service and Meditation from God’s Word by Rev. Cris Amorsolo V. Sian, Senior Pastor of the University Church. This was followed by a Litany of Thanksgiving and a song of praise.

Dr. Esther Rose A. Romarate, Vice President for Student Affairs, extended a warm welcome to the new and transfer students. In her opening remarks, she expressed gratitude for the students’ choice of CPU and emphasized the importance of building a strong relationship with God as a foundation for their college journey. She also announced upcoming events, including student organizations fair at Alumni Promenade and Concert Park, academic and non-academic service orientations, a campus tour, provincial student council orientations, and a parent orientation.

Dr. Ernest Howard B. Dagohoy, CPU President, subsequently delivered a speech outlining the university’s vision, mission, quality policy, and core values. A historical video provided further insights into CPU’s rich heritage.

Fun and engaging activities rounded out the day. Students participated in an ice breaker facilitated by the CPU Republic, learned the CPU Alma Mater Song led by Cultural Affairs Office Coordinator, Prof. Crista Huyong, and received valuable announcements from the Guidance Service Center (GSC) and CPU Republic (CPUR). Pastor Neva Grace Fabila offered the closing prayer to conclude a successful first day of college orientation.

Day 2: Equipping for Academic Success and Beyond

Day 2 focused on equipping students with essential information for academic success and campus life. The morning session started with registration facilitated by GSC and CPUR, followed by an opening prayer and devotional by Pastor Justine Palmes Mije, Associate Minister for Campus Ministries. Welcome remarks by Dr. Irving Domingo L. Rio, Vice President for Academic Affairs then set the tone for the day.

The session delved into academic matters with an introduction to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) office, its services, and the ‘Honors’ Policy. A special musical performance by Elaisha L. Pomida, the reigning Centralian Idol 2024 and a 3rd-year BA Communication student, added a touch of entertainment. Subsequently, a recorded video walkthrough of Microsoft 365 provided students with valuable digital tools.

Donna Mae C. Rivera, Acquisition Librarian, and Via Marie F. Dumenden, Serials and Filipiniana Librarian, from the Henry Luce III Library presented the library’s services. A recorded overview of CPU Canvas followed, guiding students on how to access their Canvas accounts and navigate the platform.

Interactive ice breakers with CPUR and snacks fueled engagement throughout the morning, while an open forum addressed any questions students might have. CPU leadership, including VP Rio, Dean Quijano, Ms. Deocampo, Prof. Peleña, and Prof. Palcullo, ensured all inquiries were addressed.

Navigating Campus Life and Resources

The afternoon session addressed campus facilities and security matters. Recorded videos covered “Meet our VPA,” CPU Rules and Regulations, Dress Code Policy, and Traffic and Parking Policies.  Engr. Dany C. Molina then highlighted the importance of “Caring for Our Campus,” followed by an ice breaker by CPUR.

For any questions on security, students had the opportunity to participate in an open forum with VPA Dr. Engr. Dany C. Molina, Mr. Jonathan Tumalay, and Office of the Safety and Health Officer (OSH).

 Financial Matters and Student Support

The afternoon commenced with a recap of the morning session, presented by the Audiovisual Production (AVP) Team. Subsequently, the Vice President for Finance and Enterprises, Dr. Florence P. Bogacia, was introduced. Dr. Bogacia provided a comprehensive overview of financial matters, including insurance, payment methods, examination permits, and promissory notes. An open forum followed, offering attendees the opportunity to engage in discussions with Dr. Bogacia, the Treasurer, and the Credit Manager.

The session concluded with a captivating performance by the CPU Tumandok Dance Company, followed by the distribution of snacks by CPUR and the Local Government Unit (LGU).

A Holistic Approach to Student Development

Dr. Esther Rose A. Romarate, VP for Student Affairs, extends a heartfelt welcome to our new students during the College Orientation.

The final segment delved into student welfare and development. A recorded video presented the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) office and its services. Dr. Esther Rose A. Romarate then outlined the Student Complaint Procedure. Emphasizing its importance, she detailed two primary objectives: to gather student feedback and to establish a clear process for addressing complaints. Dr. Romarate advised students to consult the Gold Blue student handbook accessible through their SOS Account and the CPU website for further guidance.

For academic concerns, students were directed to follow a specific chain of command: department head (if applicable), dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), and ultimately, the President. For non-academic issues, students were instructed to submit a letter to their unit head, who would then forward it to the department head for endorsement. The unit head would initially attempt to resolve the complaint but would escalate it to the dean if necessary. Unresolved complaints would be forwarded to the concerned Vice President for appropriate action.

Information on scholarships and awards, as well as the students’ physical examination procedure presented by Dr. Ma. Carmen Salcedo, provided comprehensive support for students.

CPUR facilitated another ice breaker, followed by an open forum with VPSA, representatives from Student Development Program (SDP), GSC, Multi-Cultural Commission (MC), Discipline Committee (DC), and Student Affairs Office (SAO) heads.

Closing announcements and evaluations facilitated by Guidance and CPUR ensured all important details were covered. Closing remarks by Prof. Vince Palcullo and a final prayer by Pastor Neva officially concluded the two-day orientation.

The College Orientation provided a comprehensive introduction to CPU, equipping incoming students with the knowledge and resources needed to thrive in their academic journey. CPU warmly welcomes its new students and transferees and looks forward to their contributions to the vibrant Centralian community.