Central Philippine University

By Mikee Natinga Norico

The graduates of CPU College of Pharmacy Batch 2024 with Pres. Dagohoy, Guest Speaker Mark Ryan De Guzman Langit, RPh, and CPU Faculty and Staff.

The Central Philippine University (CPU) College of Pharmacy Batch Mihara held its White Coat Ceremony on June 14, 2024, at the Rose Memorial Auditorium. The ceremony, themed “Empowering Pharmacists to Shine, Strengthen Healthcare Through Innovation, Networking, and Excellence,” marked a significant milestone for the soon-to-be pharmacists.

University President Rev. Dr. Ernest Howard B. Dagohoy congratulated the students on their hard work and dedication, highlighting the importance of the white coat and the transition it signifies. He acknowledged the challenges they faced, including those brought on by the pandemic, and commended their teachers and families for their support.

“As you dawn your white coats, please be reminded that beyond this event being an academic exercise, this actually marks a transition for you as you begin your journey to becoming professional,” President Dagohoy said.

Guest speaker Mark Ryan De Guzman Langit, RPh, Executive Secretary of the Philippine Pharmacists Association, Inc., emphasized the crucial role pharmacists play in the healthcare system. He urged the graduates to embrace their responsibilities and strive for excellence throughout their careers.

“There’s no comparison as to the degree of how bright you will shine later on. Every day, it’s not always that you will shine so bright. There are times, there are days that you may also have a light that may not be as bright as yesterday. Young as you are, when you experience such, please do not be discouraged. As you shine later on, shine for yourselves, shine for our patients, shine for the community and shine also for each other, for your friends, for your batch,” Mr. Langit said.

Freda Marie Sumollo, representing Batch Mihara, delivered a heartfelt message reflecting on their journey. She spoke of the challenges of online learning during the pandemic and the determination they displayed to overcome them. She emphasized the resilience instilled in them and their commitment to serving others with the highest quality of service.

“We grappled with the uncertainties, the isolation, the sheer magnitude of what it meant to pursue our passion amidst a global crisis. But through it all, we persevered, shine, and adapted to the new normal, embracing technology to connect, learn, and grow. We forged ahead with determination, knowing that our dreams of becoming pharmacists were worth every hurdle, every sacrifice,” Ms. Sumollo said.

The ceremony included the oath-taking of pharmacy students, a class song, and a dedicatory prayer and benediction by Cris Amorsolo V. Sian, Senior Pastor of the University Church. The ceremony served as a powerful reminder of the dedication, responsibility, and impact future pharmacists can have on the healthcare system.