Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

by Rusieljs Lunasco

(from left) 1st Runner-Up Ms. EXCEL- Rose Marie Aguirre (College of Engineering), Grand Alumni Homecoming Queen 2020- Edna Pelopero (College of Nursing), 2nd Runner-up Ms. CPU Scientia et Fides- Mary Jane Chan (College of Business and Accountancy).

Edna Pelopero, BSN Batch ’78, was crowned as the Grand Alumni Homecoming 2020 Queen on February 7 at the Grand Alumni Homecoming Gala Night at the Grand Xing Imperial Hotel.

Pelopero represented the College of Nursing which was able to raise P 4,326,100 for the completion of the Virtual Lab Phase II. The College of Engineering, represented by Engr. Rose Marie Aguirre, came in 2nd and was able to gather an amount of P1,127,395.50 for the completion of the Engineering walkway, improvement of audio-visual room and financial support for needy students. The College of Business and Accountancy, represented by Mary Jane Chan, which came in third place was able to collect an amount of P 697,710 for the construction of the CBA Building.

Candidates for the Search for Grand Alumni Homecoming Queen: (from left) Ms. Precious Grabato (College of Pharmacy), Ms. Jonalyn Jaranilla- Yu (College of Nursing), Ms. Edna Pelopero (College of Nursing), Ms. Cecile Maguillo-Beronilla (College of Medical Laboratory Science), Atty. Maria Theresa Malones-Sanchez (College of Law), Dr. Maria Carmen Salcedo (Junior High School), Dr. Gynyynn Gumban (School of Graduate Studies), Ms. Rose Marie Aguirre (College of Engineering), Ms. Rosario Sanico (College of Education), Ms. Mary Jane Ruelo-Chan (College of Business and Accountancy),
Ms. Marilin Carona Divinagracia (College of Arts and Sciences), Ms. Vanessa Tse Wing (College of Agriculture Resources and Environmental Sciences) and Ms. Alpha Dofeliz-Sorensen (College of Theology).

Here are the results of the Search for the Grand Alumni Homecoming Queen 2020:

Grand Alumni Homecoming Queen 2020- Edna Pelopero (College of Nursing- Virtual Lab)

1st Runner-Up Ms. EXCEL- Rose Marie Aguirre (College of Engineering-completion of the Engineering walkway, improvement of audio-visual room, support for needy students)

2nd Runner-up Ms. CPU Scientia et Fides- Mary Jane Chan (College of Business and Accountancy- construction of CBA building)

Ms. CPU Central Spirit- Alpha Dofeliz- Sorensen (College of Theology-renovation of Johnson Hall)

Ms. CPU Gold and Blue- Dr. Maria Carmen Salcedo (Junior High School-completion of the JHS gym)

Ms. CPU Faith- Precious Grabato (College of Pharmacy-construction of Pharmacy simulation building)

Ms. CPU Stewardship- Vanessa Tse-Wing (College of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Sciences- endowment fundraising for agriculture students)

Ms. CPU Justice- Cecile Maguillo- Boronilla (College of Medical Laboratory Science- construction and enhancement of CMLS laboratory)

Ms. CPU Character-  Jonalyn Jaranilla- Yu (College of Nursing- completion of Virtual Lab Phase II)

Ms. CPU Excellence- Rosario Sanico (College of Education-construction of Teacher Education Building)

Ms. Centralite- Atty. Maria Theresa Malones- Sanchez (College of Law- construction of Law Library)

Ms. Valentine- Dr. Yi-Chen Lin (College of Medicine- Virtual Anatomy Dissection Table)

Ms. Golden Lions- Dr. Gynynn Guzman-Gumban (School of Graduate Studies – enhancement of the Center for Global Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development)

Ms. Smile Hill- Marilin Divinagracia (College of Arts and Sciences- Cash Awards for Honor Students)