By Cyrus A. Natividad
CPU College of Law Acting Dean Atty. Aila Rae Endonila and Acting Associate Dean Atty. Noel Siosan Jr.
Central Philippine University College of Law had set its orientation on September 1, 2020, Tuesday, for 1st Semester 2020 classes. The College of Law virtual platform is also on Canvas learning management system from 5:30 to 9:00 PM daily. Classes will be whole day on Saturdays.
Regarding the “face-to-face classroom instruction,” Atty. Aila Rae Endonila, Acting Dean, College of Law said, “we still aim for a face- to- face instruction once we are allowed by the Legal Education Board LEB) of the Republic of the Philippines.”
The CPU College of Law is rank number 22 in the overall performance (with 17.50% passing rate by 80 – number of examines), in the November 2019 Bar Exam.