Central Philippine University

By Vincy Brayne D. Goto, BS ECE-3

CPU ECE Department with Antique National School Senior High School Students.

The CPU College of Engineering, ECE Department, and its student organization IECEP-CPU SC conducted an outreach activity on Robotics and Visual Programming with the theme “Bolstering Innovation and Advancement in the Field of Robotics, Visual Programming, and Research” on November 28, 2023, at Antique National School, San Jose, Antique. It was a creative and innovative program where a group of ECE students and faculty taught senior high school (SHS) students all about Arduino programming using the XOD IDE. The CPU students believe in the adage, “Through innovation and the advancement of technology, we can discover new things.”

The program started with a prayer, and then Mr. Rosano Carlo P. Moreno, the SalikSEEK Club Advisor of Antique National School, gave a welcome speech. An inspiring message was given by Engr. Dany C. Molina, who emphasized the pivotal role of innovation in shaping the future. Engr. Yeseil S. Sacramento, introduced the BSECE Program and Career Paths to show that there are many opportunities you can get when you take the ECE Course.

Engr. Gelvie C. Lagos began the training and workshop by presenting a quick review of visual programming and introducing the XOD IDE, emphasizing the significance of learning visual programming foundations, particularly in the context of robotics development. The program then went on to a hands-on session in which participants were taken through the process of installing the XOD IDE. Engr. Lagos provided step-by-step techniques to ensure that each student understood the concept of connecting hardware components and uploading simple programs to their Arduino boards. The ECE department facilitators actively interacted with their respective groups, giving assistance, and answering questions. Their practical expertise and experience gave the students great insights, enabling a collaborative learning atmosphere.

With the challenge set forward by Engr. Lagos, the workshop’s environment, got even more filled with creative energy. The students and their facilitators joyfully discussed ideas for innovative devices that might be constructed using Arduino and the XOD IDE. The groups presented their products, which were testaments to their collective efforts and newly acquired skills. Engr. Lagos and the other faculty commended their dedication and resourcefulness, underscoring the significance of such challenges in reinforcing previously taught fundamentals.

The training and workshop were a success, not just in terms of teaching technical skills but also in instilling an appreciation of robotics in SHS students. The outreach activity has successfully laid the groundwork for future collaborations and learning opportunities, leaving the students motivated and ready to learn more about the exciting world of technology and engineering.