Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Cyrus A. Natividad

Dr. Rudy Suryanto, the Keynote Speaker, spoke about doing innovations especially in this time of the pandemic.

Central Philippine University College of Business and Accountancy in cooperation with Benita and Catalino Yap Foundation held its 3rd ICE (Innovation, CRS and Enterprise) Conference via Zoom on February 16, 2022 at 8:00 in the morning. The Registration started at 7:30 until 8:00AM. A devotional was held before the program proper.

The prayer was led by Ms. Betty C. Ermitaño. Mr. Jeanil D. Sajo led the reading of a verse. A message by Pastor Neva Grace L. Fabila followed.

Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, CPU President, welcomed everyone and thanked the leadership of the CPU College of Business and Accountancy for the continuation of the ICE Conference.

Guest Speaker Former Senator TG Guingona delivered his opening message. He encouraged the participants to adapt to change. He said, “We need to have a new way of looking at things. We need to look at new ideas and new processes.”

As an example, he looked back to a part of the 15th century, when China was a superpower. He recalled that “China was the leader in science, engineering and farming. They were casting iron in 200BC (1,500 years before the Europeans made use of their inventions). However, China implemented a closed-door policy – intended to stop foreign ideas to get into China. After a long time, it was behind with developments of the Western countries.” He added, “Under the Rule of Deng Xiao Ping, China was opened to international ideas and industries’ China’s economy improved with many innovations introduced.” Guingona encouraged the idea to adapt to change in view of the fast-changing trends and technologies.

Dr. Lorna T. Grande, Dean CPU College of Business and Accountancy presented the Whys and Wherefores of the Conference. The Keynote Speaker was introduced by Mr. Nur Laminero, Executive Director of Benita and Catalino Yap Foundation.

Dr. Rudy Suryanto from Universitas Muhammadiya Yogyakarta and founder of Bumdies.id delivered an inspirational message. He talked about how to innovate during these times because if you do not, then you will perish in this fast-changing world amidst the pandemic.

Valuable ideas and insights were also shared by speaker Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on, Director, CPU Office of Communications. He talked about innovations in online enrolment. Ms. Cynthia T. Peleñia Director, Henry Luce III Library talked about Library Services amidst the pandemic and Dr. Margen A. Java on Scholarships.

There was an open forum before proceeding with speakers from other schools.

Other resource speakers, Prof Rea P. Villeza and Engr. Ron Adrian Baldonado – Advisers of Central Echo; Prof. Maria Cristy E. Daguay, Moderator, of the University of San Agustine Publication and Prof. Claire B Posada, Adviser of St. Vincent Student Publication (St. Vincent College of Science and Technology also talked about insights. Dr. Lenny Rose P. Mucho, Director for Review and Continuing Education Center and Consultancy was Moderator.

A video of the CPU Campus was shown to the participants. The Launching of “Innovation and Sustainability by RCYF followed.

Dr. Esther Rose A. Romarate, VP for Student Affairs, delivered her Concluding Remarks on the Conference. She thanked everyone for their participation and for the CPU CBA in organizing the event.