Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Cyrus A. Natividad

CPUCARES AAI Batch ’80,among chapters with strong membership.

The College of Agriculture, Resources, and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association (CPUCARES AA), Inc. proudly marked its first-ever Agri Alumni Reunion in the South, hosted at the esteemed Castin’s Catering Place in Norala, South Cotabato, from October 9 to 11, 2023. The theme for this momentous event was “Convergence 2023: Rekindling the Central Spirit Amidst Technological Changes.”

The idea to organize this unique alumni gathering “far away from home” stemmed from the realization that the CPUCARES AA event in the South could be extended to include other Centralian Alumni, whose numbers have significantly grown over time, especially in the Mindanao region. These alumni represent a diverse range of courses offered by Central Philippine University.

Dr. Blanquita S. Garcia, the dedicated President of the CPU CARE’s Chapter, deserves commendation for her exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to bringing this special occasion to fruition in Mindanao. Her efforts included collaborating with talented and supportive alumni and receiving full support from the CPUAAI Board of Trustees, led by the hardworking Atty. Jeremy V. Bionat, as well as from the CPU Administration.

In his inspirational message, the outgoing CPU President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, expressed gratitude for the CPUCARES initiative and looked forward to more activities and support for Central through outreach programs and projects.

Mayor Clemente B. Fedoc of Norala, South Cotabato, warmly welcomed the event’s participants in his remarks, extending his appreciation to CPUAAI and Central Philippine University for choosing to host a reunion in Mindanao. He emphasized the importance of this gathering in giving recognition to his municipality.

Over the course of three days, the reunion featured a diverse program, including agricultural lectures, awards, variety shows, contests, presentations, and opportunities for fellowship, along with culinary exhibits that included breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. For more in-depth coverage of these events, please refer to related articles.