By Princes Elaine Y. Espongja, BA ELS-4, OJT
Participants of the meeting between Central Philippine University and Universitas Kristen Indonesia.
Central Philippine University (CPU) and Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) had their first online meeting on March 9, 2022 via Zoom teleconferencing regarding the collaboration of the two institutions to promote good relations among Southeast Asian universities.
The said online meeting was done to establish an understanding of cooperation and friendship which is intended to further academic objectives of each institution and to promote possible collaboration and mobility between the faculty and students of CPU and the faculty and students of UKI.
Representatives from Central Philippine University were the following: Prof. Leilani Fatimah Ledesma Trompeta (Director, Office of International Relations and Cooperation); Dr. Stella Fernandez (Dean, College of Arts and Sciences); Dr. Mar Rafael Ambos (Coordinator, Professional Ed, CoEd); Prof. Rea Angelica Faulan Villeza (Chairperson, Dept. of Religion and Ethics).
Representatives from Universitas Kristen Indonesia were several Deans and heads of the following study programs: International Office staff headed by Dr. Lisa Gracia Kailola; Dean Faculty of Teacher Training and Education; Dean Faculty of Letters and Languages; Dean Faculty of Social and Political Sciences; Head of Christian Education Study Program; Head of Biology Education Study Program; Head of Chemistry Education Study Program; Head of Mathematics Education Study Program; Head of English Language Education Study Program; Head of English Literature Study Program; Head of Communication Science Study Program; Head of Political Science Study Program.
The Initial talks on international collaboration and partnerships is facilitated by the Office of International Relations and Cooperation under the office of the CPU President.