Central Philippine University

By: Christine Hoy Hole – Centralian Link Intern

Educational Media Center, Central Philippine University – April 15, 2024

In a concerted effort to enhance understanding and management of Neural Tube Defects (NTDs), the College of Nursing at Central Philippine University organized a seminar entitled “Guardians of the Neural Pathway: Understanding and Managing Neural Tube Defects.” The seminar, which took place on April 15 at 7:00 am, brought together students from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, specifically the Level 4 Nursing students.

Led by esteemed resource speaker, Jerusha A. Comuelo, MD, FPPS, FCNSP, FPNA, the seminar delved into the complexities of pediatric nursing cases, with a particular focus on NTDs. Dr. Comuelo, known for her expertise in pediatric medicine, captivated the audience with her insights and extensive experience in the field.

The seminar, held at the Educational Media Center, provided a platform for students to gain valuable knowledge about NTDs, their causes, and management strategies. Through interactive discussions and case studies, attendees were equipped with practical skills essential for addressing these critical pediatric health issues.

Lance Joshua R. Roldan, the coordinator of the event, along with assistant coordinators Zahra O. Qureshi and Anjela J. Pasomanero, ensured the smooth execution of the seminar. Their meticulous planning and coordination contributed to the success of the event, providing participants with a rich learning experience.

NTDs are congenital conditions that affect the development of the neural tube during fetal growth, leading to abnormalities in the brain, spine, or spinal cord. Understanding the complexities of these defects is crucial for healthcare professionals, especially those specializing in pediatric nursing.

The seminar served as a testament to Central Philippine University’s commitment to providing its nursing students with comprehensive education and training. By facilitating events such as this, the university continues to nurture competent and compassionate healthcare professionals who are prepared to address the evolving healthcare needs of society.

As the seminar concluded, participants left with a deeper understanding of NTDs and a renewed sense of dedication to their role as guardians of pediatric health. With the knowledge gained from this event, they are better equipped to make meaningful contributions to the field of nursing, particularly in the care and management of pediatric patients with neural tube defects.