By Rusieljs G. Lunasco
4th year law students taking the comprehensive exams at the Senior High School Building. photo by Atty. Aila Rae Endonila.
The CPU College of Law conducted its first digital comprehensive exams for four consecutive Sundays starting March 21, 2021 at the CPU Senior High School Building.
The subjects for the first Sunday (March 21, 2021) are Political Law in the morning and Labor Law in the afternoon, Civil Law and Taxation for the second Sunday (March 28, 2021), Commercial Law and Criminal Law for the third Sunday (April 11, 2021), and Remedial Law and Legal and Judicial Ethics for the last Sunday (April 18, 2021).
“The initial plan was to have the exams during the four Sundays of March. However, when the Supreme Court released its specifications, we decided that the comprehensive exams be computerized,” said College of Law Dean Atty. Aila Rae Endonila.
The comprehensive exams were moved two weeks after its original schedule. To ensure the smooth run of the exams, several meetings took place between the College of Law, the Office of the President, the Office of the Vice- President for Student Affairs, the College of Computer Studies as well as persons in charge of Security, buildings and grounds, and physical plant facilities.
Health protocols were implemented for the safety of examinees, volunteers, proctors, and the technical team. The rooms were used by less 50% capacity as required by the IATF. Examinees were also assigned the same computers for the whole duration of the exam.
“Although we encountered problems, they were minimal. Overall, it was a success,” Endonila said.
Central Philippine University is the first law school in the city to hold digital comprehensive exams.