Central Philippine University

By Francis Neil G. Jalando-on

During the ribbon-cutting ceremony officiated by University President Dr. Ernest Howard B. Dagohoy, former CPU President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, and HR Director Dr. Rodel C. Palomar.

On May 2nd, 2024, the Central Philippine University (CPU) community gathered for the dedication ceremony of the new Human Resource Development Office (HRDO) on the 2nd Floor of the Uy Building.

The ceremony, led by Ella Kathrina A. Gutierrez, Career Development Officer of the HRDO, began with the inspirational hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”  Pastor Neva Grace L. Fabila, Associate Pastor for Campus Ministries, then offered a prayer and devotional message.

In his welcome remarks, HR Director Dr. Rodel C. Palomar expressed the excitement of HR personnel for their new workspace. This improved office environment, envisioned and championed by former CPU President Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, aims to enhance the department’s ability to serve the university community.

The successful transfer of the HRDO, which took place on April 8th, 2024, was attributed to the valuable assistance provided by the current administration.  University President Dr. Ernest Howard B. Dagohoy, Vice President for Finance Dr. Florence P. Bogacia, and Vice President for Administration Engr. Dani Molina were all recognized for their instrumental roles in facilitating the move.

Following the welcome remarks, Dr. Dagohoy delivered a message highlighting the importance of the HRDO in supporting CPU’s faculty and staff.  Dr. Robles, then offered a message of reassurance, expressing his continued support for the university’s growth. Additionally, words of support were shared by Dr. Irving Domingo L. Rio, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Engr. Dany C. Molina, Vice President for Administration.

The dedication ceremony culminated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony officiated by Dr. Dagohoy, Dr. Robles, and Dr. Palomar. Pastor Fabila then blessed the new office space, followed by a closing prayer delivered by Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on, Director, Office of Communications.

This move to a more spacious and modern office signifies a new chapter for the HRDO, allowing them to better serve CPU’s human resource needs and contribute to the university’s continued success.