Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025


Researchers from all fields of science and technology, research, sustainability and innovation, and education are welcome to join Scientia et Fides (SeF). It provides a forum for multidisciplinary academic experiences to be shared, as well as addressing the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, including the solutions that have been adopted to close practice gaps for the benefit of society. The theme for this year’s conference corresponds to the research and experimental activity presented at the Central Philippine University Emerging Asian Research Network International Research Conference 2021 (CPU-EARN IRC 2021). Extended versions of papers previously published in the said conference are accepted subject to blind evaluation and modification by an expert panel.



● Accessibility Policies to Cope with Disabilities
● Artificial Intelligence
● Data Science/ Data Analytics
● Virtual Universities, Online Learning
● Education, Technology and Sustainable Development
● Emerging Technologies


● Environmental Sustainability
● Green Technologies


● Application of Quantitative and Qualitative Research on Sustainability
● Research Using Technology
● Interfacing Scientific and Humanistic Disciplines: Interdisciplinarity and


Call for Submission announcement: 15 November 2021
Submission Deadline: 15 February 2022
Preliminary Review Feedback: 15 March 2022
Revision Submission: 15 April 2022
Acceptance: 1 May 2022
Publication Online: 15 May 2022
For submission please go tohttps://cpupub.cpu.edu.ph/index.php/scientiaetfides/about/submissions

Author’s Guide


Authors should submit their manuscripts through the CPU Publication Online Journal System. Online submission reduces the time required for a manuscript to get from submission to publication by expediting the processing and review of submitted papers.
Manuscripts from peer-reviewed conferences, which may have already been published in proceedings, may be submitted if the following conditions are met:
• the submitted manuscript should be an enhanced version of the conference proceedings; a typical enhanced paper contains at least 25% new material;

• the authors’ copyright agreement for the conference publication allows for journal submissions; and

• o in the “Comments to the Editor,” the author includes a detailed description of how the submitted manuscript meets the above conditions, a copy of the conference proceedings version or its digital object identifier (DOI), and an affirmation that the submission to SeF does not conflict with the conference proceedings terms.

Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer).

• Submissions will be evaluated in accordance with the SeF Reviewer Guidelines.
• In the submission metadata, please provide each author’s ORCID ID.
• In addition to the acknowledgements in the manuscript, please provide any funding IDs in the submission information.


1. Manuscripts that do not follow the requirements below will be returned for revision. The guidelines must be carefully read. The manuscript should be revised in accordance with the criteria. Authors can use the template to prepare their submissions.

❖ Page Layout
All articles should be typed in a single column on standard A4 paper with normal margins (21 x 29.7 cm).

❖ Length
Manuscripts should be between 4,500 and 9,000 words in length.

❖ File Type
Submitted articles should be in Microsoft Word format. Please utilize the manuscript template to facilitate the manuscript preparation process and expedite the publication process.

❖ Title Page
A concise but descriptive title should be at the top of the title page. Below the title, there should be an abstract of 150 to 250 words, followed by keywords (4 to 6).

Text Style
● Use a standard font (e.g., Arial) 12.
● Double line spacing for paragraphs.
❖ ● Use footnotes to provide additional information peripheral to the text.

❖ Figures and Tables
All figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the reference list. To note the placement of figures and tables in text, “Insert Table (or Figure) # here” should be inserted in appropriate places. Please use high resolution graphics whenever possible and make sure figures and tables can be easily resized and moved.

❖ Acknowledgements
Acknowledgments should appear in a separate section before the reference list.

❖ Citations
Citations in-text should follow the author-date method (authors’ surname followed by publication year).
● Several studies found … (Barakat et al., 1995; Garfield, 1955; Meho & Yang, 2007).
● In a recent study (Smith & Jones, 2011) …
● Smith and Jones (2011) investigated …

❖ Reference List
The first author’s last name should be alphabetized in the reference list, which should be formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style.

Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Book title. Publisher location: Publisher Name.
Belonio, A. T. (2005). Rice husk gas stove handbook. Jaro, Iloilo City: Central Philippine University.

Book chapter
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). Publisher location: Publisher Name.

Alenzuela, R. & Cantel, A. M. B. (2020). LIS Education ASEANization: An Inchoate Plan?. In Internationalization of Library and Information Science Education in the Asia-Pacific Region (pp. 158-176). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2273-8.ch007

Conference paper
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Conference title (pp. xx-xx). Publisher location: Publisher Name.
Smith, K., & Brown, M. (2012). Digital curation of scientific data. In G. Martin & L. J. Jones (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Curation (pp. 41-53). New York: Springer.

Journal article
Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume(issue), start page-end page.
Lim, A. A., Romallosa, A. R. D., & Belonio, A. T. (2005). Evaluation of composting CPU biomass wastes using the wire mesh circular compost bin with compost activator. Patubas, 2(1), 2-9.

Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. Retrieved from URL.

Mitchell, J.A. (2017, May 21). How and when to reference. Retrieved from https://www.howandwhentoreference.com.

For more details about citations, please click this link.

You may also use Reference Management Tools such as Endnote, Mendeley or Zotero. For citation help, you may refer to Henry Luce III Library. Email hhl@cpu.edu.ph


2. For manuscript processing and/or publishing materials, the Journal does not charge any fees. To make copy-editing easier and ensure high-quality publications, authors should rigorously adhere to the criteria listed below.


3. Except in the case of peer-reviewed conference proceedings where prerequisites are met, all submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If the source is used for additional research, the author/creator of the material should be appropriately cited.


4. All reviews will use a double-blind review process.
5. The reviewer(s) and the author(s) do not know each other’s identity. The reviewers are left with only the manuscript without any information that might enable them to uncover the identity of the author(s). Information removed includes the names(s) of the author(s), address/affiliation, country, phone/fax and email. Stated information in the Acknowledgement and Declaration of Conflict of Interest that may lead to the uncovering of the identity of the author should also be removed from the manuscript before peer-reviewing.
6. The peer review shall take 2-3 weeks.
7. Reviewers are not allowed to make any use of the work described in the manuscript or to take advantage of the knowledge they gained by reviewing it before publication. (Every manuscript is treated by the editors and reviewers as confidential information, and they are instructed to exclude themselves from the review of any manuscript that might involve a conflict of interest or the appearance thereof.)
8. The Editorial Office is in charge of selecting reviewers. The Editorial Office will have to approve the author’s suggested list of referees or experts in the field. Referees must have a proven track record as field researchers, as indicated by publications in peer-reviewed journals, research awards, and relevant peer-review experience.

The review process employs the Manuscript Management System. Referees make one of the following recommendation marks:

• Accept As Is
• Requires Minor Corrections
• Requires Major Revisions e. Reject With Option To Resubmit
• Reject On Grounds Of (Specify reason) _____.

Policy on Conflict of Interest/Disclosure

9. Authors must disclose, upon submission, any association that poses a conflict of interest in connection with the manuscript and acknowledge all funding sources supporting the work. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest upon submission may result in author sanctions. (Authors are required to complete the Declaration Form to disclose any conflict of interest, and to acknowledge all funding sources supporting the work. The corresponding author must guarantee that all authors have been asked to disclose any conflicts of interest. This is to be submitted along with the manuscript.
10. Reviewers may decline the review of any manuscripts they perceive to have a conflict of interest. Editors should also decline from considering any manuscript that may have conflicts of interest.
11. All parties involved in the peer-review process should disclose any conflicts of interest and allow the Editor to decide how they should be handled.

Open Access and Creative Commons License Statement

12. All content is open access, meaning it is accessible online to everyone, without fee and authors’ permission. All content is published and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0). Under this license, authors reserve the copyright for their content; however, they permit anyone to unrestrictedly use, distribute, and reproduce the content in any medium as long as the original authors and source are cited. For any reuse, redistribution, or reproduction of a work, users must clarify the license terms under which the work was produced.

Misconduct and Investigation

13. All submissions must include data that is truthfully and accurately documented in accordance with scholarly publication standard practices.

14. Duplicate publication, falsification, plagiarism, or fabrication will be considered actionable violations of this policy. The manuscript must contain proper acknowledgment of the work of others, including clear indications of the sources of all information quoted or offered, except that what is common knowledge. The undersigned authors must acknowledge the contributions of people, organizations and institutions who helped in the process of research and provided technical help or financial funding (in the acknowledgment and in the Author Declaration Form).. Misconduct does not include honest errors or discrepancies in data interpretation or judgment.
15. The journal’s editors are in charge of specific editorial behavior as well as adherence to appropriate policies and procedures. When the Editor receives a report of a possible violation, he or she will contact the corresponding author and ask for an explanation.
16. Authors may be required to provide the original data. Authors are expected to maintain the original data from their manuscripts for a minimum of 6 years after the final publication date of their article. Authors who are unable to provide the original data upon request will be asked to withdraw their article or their article may be retracted. The Editor will then decide on a course of action and inform the Chair of the Publications Committee of the accusation by supplying copies of the relevant material and correspondence with the corresponding author and others involved.
17. No manuscript by any authors of the disputed manuscript will be considered for publication until the matter is resolved. If no violation of journal policy or scientific misconduct is found, the manuscript (if unpublished) will be scheduled for publication.
18. In the event that author(s) is/are found to have engaged in any form of misconduct, their paper will not be published or if already published, the article will be retracted.

Correction and Retraction

19. Articles can be withdrawn by either the publishers or the authors. A signed statement from the author will be required to be submitted to the Editorial Office before an article can be withdrawn.
20. If an article is found to violate ethical publishing guidelines of a journal such as plagiarism, data fabrication, miscalculation or experimental error, or bogus claims of authorship, the article can be withdrawn by the publisher.
21. If any error is detected in a paper after publication, corrections (Erratum, Corrigendum, Addendum) will be published in the next issue. The corrections will be published only if significant errors are found (factually inaccurate published information). Minor corrections which do not affect the understanding and content of the paper such as spelling mistakes and grammatical errors will not be published.
22. Erratum is published when errors are not detected in the article during editing. This includes typographical errors, errors in figure or table numbers, corrections submitted but not included during the editing, wrong details of author’s address or email. b. Corrigendum is published when errors are detected by the authors after publication of the manuscript which compromises the validity of the scientific content, its accuracy and reproducibility. If the reader(s) detects any error in any paper, he/she is requested to submit their comments as “Letter to the Editor‟ following the prescribed article format. The “Letter to the Editor” articles will be peer reviewed and will also be sent to original authors for their comments. On acceptance for publication, the “Letter to the editor” and comments of the original authors will be published in the same issue. c. Addendum is published if the author(s) unintentionally omitted significant information at the time of submitting the manuscript and wants to add this content in the article after it has been published. Information submitted as addendum will be peer reviewed by the Editorial Board before acceptance. Addendum will be published only in rare circumstances when it is decided by the editors that the information in the addendum is essential to understand a significant part of the published article.
23. Retractions are published situations like, if the paper’s conclusion is found to be based on faulty logic or computation by recent information available after the paper has been published; if plagiarized data has been published, if the paper is based on fabricated data, or if duplicate publications exist.
24. The editor, the author, and the reviewers of the article will decide on a case-by-case basis whether retraction is necessary or not. A signed statement from the author/s will be required to be submitted to the Editorial Office before an article can be retracted.
25. An article may be removed from a journal. If any legal issues arise, the distribution of the article is discontinued by a court order. The contents of the article may pose serious health risk if acted upon by others, also if the article violates copyright laws, or if it is found to be defamatory or infringing on others legal rights.