Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Rusieljs G. Lunasco

Mr. Geoffrey Leysa (sitting, first from left), Atty. Salex Alibogha (sitting,second from left) and Mrs. Easter Arora (sitting, third from right) pose for a commemorative photo with CCINAA Alumni in New York.

(A series of the Third Fundraising Campaign for Virtual Lab Phase II  Lucina Fidelis Marie by the Central Philippine University, Capiz Emmanuel Hospital, and Iloilo Mission Hospital Nurses Alumni  (CCINAA) and the CPU College of Nursing)

 Through the efforts of Mrs. Ann Catedrilla- Seisa, BSN Class 1977, the launching of Virtual Lab Phase II was realized on February 11, 2019. After that, the College of Nursing Dean Atty. Salex Alibogha and his team went to the United States specifically in Florida, Nevada, California, Illinois, and Washington on February 27- March 11, 2019 for the first leg of the campaign. They were then in Doha, Qatar from May 1-6, 2019 for the second part of the fundraising drive. The series will focus on the third part of the fundraising campaign, which was from July 28 to August 23, 2019.

 The team who went to North America was composed of Atty. Salex Alibogha, BSN Class 1992, with Mr. Geoffrey Leysa, BSN Class 1991 and Mrs. Easter Contado-Arora, BSN Class 1962. They went to North America more particularly in Nevada, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Texas and California for the third part of the fundraising drive.

Standing L-R: Dorothy Duero- President CPU Alumni Association, Mtl Chapter, Easter Contado- Arora- CPU BSN , Salex Alibogha-Atty & Nurse CPU Dean College of Nursing. Sitting: Maggie Calcetas -JGH Nursing Coordinator, retired, Isabelle Caron- JGH CIUSSS Assist. Director of Nursing, Lucie Tremblay-JGH CIUSSS Director of Nursing.

August 6 Washington D.C.
August 7 Maryland

On the afternoon of August 6, the team along with Mr.Voltaire Buenjemia, BSN Class ’93 traveled from Washington D.C.to Maryland.  They were hosted by Mrs. Grace Uy-Cervas, BSN Class ’79, and her husband, Mr. Eneterio Cerbas. CCINAA alumni from Maryland and Washington State gathered together for a fellowship. The team also met with Nathan Rio and his wife Dr. Margie Banzuelo Rio BSN class ’95

Mr. Jonathan Gapilango, BSN ’93 (first from left), CON Dean Atty. Salex Alibogha with BSN Alumni from New Jersey.

August 9-10 New Jersey

Mrs. Esther Arora and Atty. Salex Alibogha traveled from Maryland to New Jersey via train. Jonathan Gepilanggo, BSN Class ’93, and Lorna Magbanua Rizalvo, BSN Class’62.  The team was hosted by Sonny Quillamor BSN ’79 and her husband Bong Quillamor, Medtech Class’ 75. The alumni had a gathering hosted by Mr. Manuel Dela Fuente.

August 11- New York

The team went with James Archival Cava, BSN Class ’98 to New York. They were hosted by Mrs. Femarie Clarete Bedona, BSN Class ‘1980. Alumni from BSN Class 1980 also had a fellowship spearheaded by Mrs. Bedona. In New Jersey, Wilna Solomon Punzalan, BSN Class’76, cum laude and top notcher in the nursing board exam hosted a gathering for the alumni. Nadine Caipang Catedral ’77 drove the team back to New York.

Mrs. Grace Uy-Cervas, BSN Class ’79 hands over a donation to CON Dean Atty. Salex Alibogha.

August 12-15 Montreal, Canada

Atty. Salex Alibogha with CCINAA- Montreal alumni.

Von Bryan Bedona, BSN Class‘14, and Mariel Bedona, BSN Class ’09 drove the team to the train station to Montreal, Canada. They were hosted by Dorothy Duero and Belen Divinagracia of BSN Class ’64. Ms. Duero also hosted a gathering for BSN Alumni Class 1957, 1961, 1962, and 1963. Maggie Calcetas, BSN Class ’63 facilitated the benchmarking with the Jewish General Hospital. They met with NSO Director Ms. Lucie Tremblay to discuss a possible partnership in collaboration with the College of Nursing.