By Carmelle Frances M. Romero
The members of the Administration and Boards of Trustees of ASCO, Fortress College, Inc., and Central Philippine University.
On February 24, 2023 the Asian Christian Outreach, Inc. (ASCO) and Fortress College, Inc. and Central Philippine University (CPU) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement to effect the donation of all properties which are used in the operation of Fortress College to Central Philippine University.
Led by their President Ms. Grace Tingson-Hughes and Board of Trustees Chairman Atty. Renecito S. Novero, ASCO and Fortress College, Inc. warmly welcomed the CPU delegation to the program officially launching the partnership among the institutions.
The ASCO and Fortress College were established by the late Reverend Dr. Gregorio “Greg” J. Tingson to provide affordable academic, technical, and vocational courses anchored in Christian values at Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental in 1981. The philosophy of the College, “The heart of education is the education of the heart” is the evangelistic thrust of the ASCO as it endeavors to provide a Christ-centered three-fold education – the education of the head, the heart, and the hand.
Recognizing that CPU shares the same Christian vision and mission of ASCO and Fortress, Mrs. Egla A. Tingson, wife of the late Rev. Tingson and her children wish to donate all the parcels of land, buildings/structures, and improvements where Fortress is located to CPU. Fortress College shall likewise donate all other properties, vehicles, equipment, and facilities it owns to CPU to ensure the continuance of the vision and mission of the late Rev. Tingson.
The signing was held in the Good Shepherd Church inside the Fortress College compound.
Sharing that she and her Mother have been praying about the future of Fortress College, Ms. Grace Tingson-Hughes said that “As a small school, we realized that we needed a partner so we could be of greater service to the Kabankalanons and the surrounding communities for the glory of God. It had to be a partner we trusted – a partner who had the same values, one that the Lord would choose for us. CPU is family to us. I love the Central Spirit; that is the heart of CPU. There is a sense of belonging, sense of family, caring, and helping. As I look back I see God’s hand in all that has transpired, resulting in the forging of a partnership with this prestigious Christian University.”
By accepting the donation, CPU assumes the responsibilities of management and administration of Fortress College, Inc. Dr. Teodoro C. Robles assured that with this partnership, “…what we want to do is make sure that the legacy of Dr. Tingson continues. We will keep whatever was started by Dr. Tingson and make sure it continues to flourish and serve the community according to what it was planned for.” Dr. Elmer Q. Pedregosa further pledged his support and that of the CPU Corporation and Board of Trustees expressing that “This generous gesture of turn-over is something to be greatly acknowledged, treasured, and taken cared of as good stewards. The true worth of this precious gift is on its effective implementation and proper utilization in the fulfillment of its purpose, to ensure the continuance of the vision and mission of Rev. Dr. Tingson after his lifetime.”
The act of signing the Memorandum of Agreement was witnessed by members of the Tingson family and the members of both Boards of Trustees of ASCO and Fortress College, Inc. and Central Philippine University. The CPU Board of Trustees also presented a Resolution expressing their appreciation and gratitude to Mrs. Egla A. Tingson and the members of her family for their extraordinary generosity. In his message on behalf of the Tingson family, Atty. Gio Tingson thanked “CPU for this partnership and also taking on the challenge.” He also hoped that people would not just remember the legacy of his grandfather but also “work towards a future where every Filipino has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and where education is a powerful force for positive change in our society.” Aside from the members of the faculty and staff of Fortress College, also present during the ceremony were the PTA Officers, local government officials of the City of Kabankalan, and representatives from the Department of Education and TESDA.
The CPU delegation was headed by Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, University President and Dr. Elmer Q. Pedregosa, Chairman of the CPU Board of Trustees. Other members of the CPU Board of Trustees who were present were Vice Chairman Atty. Von Lovel D. Bedona, Corporate Secretary Dr. Carmen Pama-Santos, Mr. Noli B. Bajada, Engr. Eddie P. Cañuto, Rev. Dr. Armando S. Kole, Rev. Job A. Santiago, and Mrs. Perla G. Waters. Atty. Peter Irving C. Corvera who was BOT Chairman when the initial plans for the donation began was also present. Also joining from the Administration were University Vice Presidents Dr. Florence P. Bogacia (Finance and Administration),
Dr. Esther Rose A. Romarate (Student Affairs), and Dr. Irving Domingo L. Rio (Academic Affairs), University Legal Counsel and Dean of the CPU College of Law Atty. Aila Rae D. Endonila, Legal Researcher Atty. Ina Noelene M. Bernales and support staff from the Office of the President, Office of the Board of Trustees, and Office of Communications.
Indeed, this new partnership opens a lot of new opportunities for Central Philippine University to expand its reach beyond the province and city of Iloilo. It also drives home the core of Scientia et Fides, serving as a reminder that as a Baptist and Christian institution, the University is impressed with the responsibility of advancing exemplary Christian education for life among its students, the community, and the world.