Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

By Rusieljs G. Lunasco

A picture of SHS students during their last day of class.

It’s been over a year since the pandemic started. A lot of students had to adjust to a new mode of learning which brought about changes in their lives. We recently caught up with some of them to find out how they are after going through two semesters of online learning.

How have you been a year after the pandemic?

“To be frank, it’s been exhausting. Even though I’ve somehow adapted to this new normal, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster ride. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. There’s a lot going on with this pandemic and you just can’t help but to think about everything. And it sometimes overwhelms me. As a person who loves to go out, I truly miss hanging out with the people that I love. Mostly my relatives and friends. Sure, online hangouts might be there, but it’s truly different whenever you’re physically around with people.”
– Joshua Jireh “Josh” Francia, 1st year Med student

“It has been quite a year since the pandemic. I have been feeling exhausted of staying at home. I am used to mingling outside with my friends after school, eat lunch with them, and roam around the campus before going home. However, I also feel relieved that I am in the safe quarters of my home and I feel protected.”

Allysa Marie Garcia is set to graduate from Senior High School in a few months.

– Alyssa Marie “Alyx” Garcia, Grade 12-STEM student

Since it’s been almost a year since classes have shifted online do you feel that you have fully adjusted to this new mode of learning?

“I feel like I still haven’t really adjusted to online learning. Even it has been there for a long time already, there are a lot of pros and cons but it’s been really hard especially with the poor connections and technical glitches sometimes. Especially on the most important points!”

Joshua Jireh Francia is a CPU ColMed freshman currently based in Bacolod City.

– Josh

“Honestly, I have not fully adjusted to online classes. There’s a part of me that wants the mode of learning to be face to face. Sometimes, I don’t really think sometimes that I’m attending online classes.”
– Alyx

What habits or new skills have you developed over the months that you have attended online classes? 

“Meditation! And some stretching for back pain from sitting around all day. I never knew meditation could be so powerful especially in managing stress and anxiety. It has helped me a lot to focus especially when I start the day with it.”
– Josh

“One of the habits that I acquired is to convert a PowerPoint document into a book-like format before I print it out. I find it easy to study when materials are books or handouts similar to a Word document. I also learned how to take down notes especially assignments and certain tasks in school. I became more organized and I was able to arrange my weekly tasks.”
– Alyx

What do you do to de-stress, motivate yourself?

“Pray, meditate, watch movies with my girlfriend, walk my dogs, and indulge myself in self-care journals. Also trying to be there for other people helps me to de-stress by just checking up on them. I try to assess myself at the end of the week and the month to see what goals I have accomplished and what I could do to become not just a better student, but a better person every day.”
– Josh

“I play mobile games and take a nap. Sometimes, I take a breather by looking at the sky and I would take deep breaths and enjoy the nature around me.”
– Alyx

What is your message or encouragement to other students?

“Message to fellow students who are also going through a hard time for the past months.
Hang in there, buddy! If you’re tired, always remember to take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself by taking a break, scheduling some online zoom time with friends and family, go through Shopee, do the things that you love, and treat yourself every once in a while! Zoom fatigue is rough. Always pray for God’s strength upon each tiring day of zoom classes. Just take each day as it is. One step at a time.”
– Josh

“We have our own struggles whether it be a loud one or a silent battle. Do not worry if you keep on falling in your journey; rest for a while and stand back up when you are ready.

Lift your burdens and worries to the Lord because He is with you from the start and He will help you despite being at your lowest. The Lord our God will never leave you nor forsake you.

Embrace His love for you and trust Him with your life. The process may be hard and difficult, but I know it will be worth it.”
– Alyx