Central Philippine University

By Hermely A. Jalando-on

Hermely thanks biking for bolstering her immune system in fighting Covid-19.

I tested positive for Covid-19 last September 5, 2021, and was assessed to have a “virulent” virus that infected many. The initial diagnosis on me was a mild urinary tract infection on a Friday but then I lost my sense of smell when Sunday came which prompted me to submit myself to RTPC-R testing. However, I would like to share the things that I am grateful to God in spite of my situation.

I thank God that I had a fast recovery. I recovered my sense of smell after four days and tested negative for Covid-19 after fourteen days. God heard and answered our prayers. Psalm 50:15 says “…call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

I thank God for family. Having a family that supports you is a big blessing from God. My husband took on the role of cooking our meals because I am in quarantine and looking after our children and making sure that they are not late for their online classes. My mother, who is living in a separate house, would deliver her mixture of lemon, ginger, and honey. While my in-laws in La Carlota City, Negros Occidental supported us and would check on us daily. Other relatives also went out of their way to send to us food supplies.

I thank God for friends. We had a never-ending supply of fruits, vegetables, meat, and even food deliveries because of caring friends during quarantine. We even declined some because our refrigerator was so full and because we have not consumed the previous deliveries. Most of all, friends never failed to send encouraging messages every day.

I thank God for church. Our Bacolod Bethany Church family has been very supportive during quarantine. They have not only provided for our physical needs but have been faithful in praying for us every day. The University Church also provided for us and have been praying for us along with other CPBC churches that included us in their prayers.

Lastly, I thank God that he allowed me to experience the stories in the Bible. Being in quarantine made the stories real and meaningful. The more you read the Bible you appreciate more the experiences that the Bible characters went through. This helped me focus on my own healing and recovery rather than think of all the stress of being positive of Covid-19. God enabled me to see and experience His love, mercy, and faithfulness in my life, and the life of my family.

I challenge you to list down all the things that you want to thank God for, and you will be amazed of His mercies and grace. God is the same yesterday, today, and the days to come. Amen!