Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

Synchronous and Asynchronous Sessions


Central Philippine University Online Learning Netiquette is a set of rules to provide a standard in conducting synchronous and asynchronous sessions. This will also ensure adherence to CPU Core Values to maintain an efficient, Christ-centered online learning environment.

When participating in synchronous and asynchronous sessions, be reminded of the CPU Core Values:

  • FAITH. The act of believing the things God has revealed about himself and acting on those beliefs. This includes commitment, cooperation, trust, and confidence.
  • CHARACTER. The aggregate feature and traits that form the individual’s nature of a person, moral quality, and good report. This includes honesty, integrity, humility, and loyalty.
  •  JUSTICE. Righteousness or lawfulness and fairness. It is observing due process in administrating the deserved punishment or reward. This includes fairness, equality, morality, and peace.
  • STEWARDSHIP. The proper and responsible management of life, position, possession, and other resources entrusted by God to man. This includes service, accountability, culture, and outreach.
  • EXCELLENCE. The highly commendable quality or feature of a person’s worth and/or deeds/ this includes competence, technology, scholarship and research.


  • Turn your camera on during live class sessions.
  • Dress appropriately when attending your classes.
  • Turn your microphone off upon entering the live class session; your microphone must also be on mute when it is not your turn to speak.
  • Wait to be recognized by the teacher before speaking by using the “raise hand” feature of the platform being used for the live class session
  • When communicating via email, chat session, discussion boards or during a live class session, always GREET and ADDRESS your instructors and classmates with respect
  • Use proper language, grammar and spelling when sending an e-mail, during a chat session or on the discussion boards.
  • Using offensive language is not allowed. Be cautious in using Internet Slang (e.g. fyi; icymi, et.al); avoid using them as much as possible.
  • Avoid the use of caps lock as it signifies YELLING. Use optimized standard fonts and emoticons cautiously. Others may misinterpret what you may be relaying in using inappropriate emoticons.
  • Students are expected to present their ideas properly and direct to the point. Avoid including fillers and off-related topics in your replies.
  • Correct spelling and grammar are very important. Always proofread your writing before posting, sharing, or submitting announcements or documents.
  • Before you open your mouth to speak, think hard about what you want to say.
  • Exchange ideas with your classmates during the discussions. Allow your classmates to also share their ideas; avoid dominating the class.
  • Be open minded. Respect the opinions of others even if they are different from yours. Avoid making unnecessary remarks.
  • Using humor is acceptable but choose your words carefully.
  • Use citations to recognize the ideas of others, especially on scholarly resources. Plagiarism is a crime.
  • Follow and adhere to the Online Learning Policies and Guidelines as discussed by your Instructors.