Central Philippine University

CPU Senior High joins Entrepreneurship Week

CPU President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles led the ribbon cutting of Entrepreneurship Week together with Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Irving Domingo Rio and Prof. Edgar Eriman, Director, Senior High School Department.

Shortly after the College Entrepreneurship Week was held in CPU, the Senior High School Department had its own “Entrepreneurship Week” held from March 12 to 16, 2018 at the Halfmoon Drive. Foods, novelties, books and clothes were among the products that the young “Entreps” displayed in their respective Kiosks.

Cooperation and teamwork were seen as the students prepared, decorated and displayed their skills in preparation for the weeklong activity.

“What we have here is an opportunity to practice the future” was how Jenree John Debil, a Senior High Student majoring in Enterprise Management from Dumangas excitingly shared in an interview with the Centralian Link.

The Entrepreneurship subject in Senior High School is something that Arzia Zavilla considers a bridge to her future career in business. She is in the field of Hotel and Restaurant Management. “It is an advantage to learn Entrepreneurship early on in Senior High”, she emphasized.

This was the first time for the Senior High School to join the colleges in celebrating Entrepreneurship Week.