Autonomous Status granted by CHED – Sept. 16, 2024 – Sept. 15, 2027
ISO 9001:2015 Cert No.: CIP/5365/18/06/1061 – July 12, 2022 – July 8, 2025

The conduct of in-person College Placement Tests for incoming 1st Year College Students for the School Year 2021 – 2022 is cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In lieu of the test, the following guidelines are set in place:

1. Incoming first year college students must submit their Senior High School report card
(clear scanned copy or clear screenshot) to this e-mail address: acmorales@cpu.edu.ph

2. The student’s grades will be used as bases if the student still needs to enroll in Remedial English or Remedial Math or can already proceed to GE English and GE Math 1. Grades which will be evaluated are the student’s grades in English and Math subjects and other related subjects.

3. Kindly take note that aside from the College Placement Tests, the College of Engineering and the College of Nursing still have their own Admission Test. Incoming first year students who wish to enroll in the mentioned colleges are advised to contact the college secretary of the respective colleges for more details.

For clarifications and other concerns regarding the College Placement Tests, you may contact Pastor Alfred C. Morales, Student Recruitment Officer, through acmorales@cpu.edu.ph